Author Topic: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots  (Read 3353 times)

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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2013, 08:04:51 pm »
Wrong topic. Please implement delete post feature. Thanks in advance :)

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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2013, 04:15:56 pm »
Nice effort, Leshma, +1 for that!  :D

Introduction is over. Time to go to programme Back to the Roots. It involves:
  • Changes to xbow class and weapons. First, some sort of stat depency for xbowmen. I've mentioned something similar to lack of wpf for other ranged classes. Depending on type of Crossbow there should be lower limit of wpf needed to actually perform well. It should be set quite high so that xbowmen have very few wpf left for melee proficiency. Also raise STR requirement for all Xbows in this order: Hunting 9 STR, Light 12 STR, Crossbow 15, Heavy Crossbow 17 SRT, Arbalest 18 STR. Also make Arbalest 3 slot so that dedicated Arbalesters can use only 13 projectiles per round and one handed zero slot weapon of choice.

I think that's not a bad balance suggestion in general, but I doubt it will help the problem of ranged spam on EU.

  • Implement synergy for ranged classes. Based on points put in ranged proficiency, ranged players will get free wpf in 3 melee proficiencies. Up to 80 melee wpf if put amount of ranged wpf equal to 8 WM. Scale accordingly to higher and lower levels of WM. But this must be a trade-off. Which means wpf function for ranged must be steeper, steepest for archers, bit less for xbow and very few changes for throwing.

I don't agree. First of all I don't agree to make archers stronger in melee, since it moves all the classes closer to each other and the game becomes less interesting. When I reach an archer in melee I want him to be significantly weaker than me, since during all the time I approached him I was significantly weaker than him (in ranged combat).

Secondly, making archers stronger in melee doesn't make them suddenly engage in melee as well. There is a reason people choose ranged over melee, and it has most likely to do with the gameplay and the fighting mechanics of those classes. Increasing a few stats doesn't change anything on the gameplay or mechanics, which means most ranged players would run away from infantry even if their stats were BETTER than those of the infantry player.

  • Changes to archery weapon values, which is why I call it Back to the Roots. Bows get cut damage, except Longbow. Arrows deal cut damage by default, unless combined with Longbow. New damage value for Longbow should be the same as Yumi or 28 pierce. Rus Bow go one point lower to 32 cut. Arrow damage is, starting from 3 for Arrows to 6 for Bodkins (cut). Quiver weight should be lighter, 50 percent for all arrows (5 instead of 10 for Bodkins). Arrow quiver should contain 21 arrows at 7 weight per quiver, Barbed 19 at 6.5 weight per quiver. Tatar 17 at 6 weight per quiver. Bodkins 13 arrows at 5 weight per quiver. Also change weight and price of bows. Longbow should stay at this price but other bows should be quite a lot cheaper. Longbow should be also heavier, instead of 4 kg it should weight 5 kg. Also heirlooms for arrows should change. Masterwork arrows should get +1 damage and +2 ammo. On +1 just +1 damage. In +2 just +2 ammo. On +3 combined as I said. Bow looms should stay the same, no buff for damage.

The problem of ranged combat compared to melee lies in the mechanics and the gameplay, which has no connection to the balance. I wrote it many times already, battle game mode is a hunting mode, since yu have to hunt down all enemy players in order to win. Cavalry and archers are well suited to hunt other players, while infantry is not, it's a rather defensive class whose only offensive capabilities lie in attacking a certain area, not mobile targets. This renders them the only passive class in the game mode, who can only react, while the other, active classes can more or less act to their likes. This very reason causes infantry to feel at a constant disadvantage, never mind how superior their stats are compared to the other classes (and they are). This leads to an "exodus" from infantry to the other classes, and there you are.

No stat change will change something on the fact that a ranged player can engage into combat a few moments after he spawned, while an infantryplayer has to run after his targets. You can't change the fact that archers can put themselves into an advantageous position where they can have good cover from enemy fire and where horses can't approach them, while infantry has to be on the move constantly, thus always being less aware of their surroundings and usually being located in the thick of the things. You can't change the fact that when a target is blocking with his shield or trying to dodge your arrows, you more often than not can pick another target which is not aware of you, and the success of your attack mainly relies on your ability to aim, whereas every infantry player who attacks in melee has to hope for his enemy to make a mistake and not block his attacks for ages.

This is why people should stop proposing balance suggestions to get the upper hand on the ranged problem.  :wink:

  • Increase weight threshold for all ranged to 15. But after that point, loss of wpf should be drastic with every 0.1 kg overhead.

This point gets a combination of my previous two answers.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 01:53:17 pm by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2013, 04:16:32 pm »
Quote instead of modify  :mad:
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2013, 02:16:17 am »
some fair points, but you forget on thing. You will NEVER make archers to take up arms in this mod, just the way it is.

it's easier now than ever to make a hybrid but still nobody is doing it, even way back only Tenne played it and did really well, Blackbow still does it well today and I remember only one more guy, Stulle. Everybody else will just max out their wpf no matter you cap it to 180 or 500. People play ranged for a reason and don't play melee usually for that same reason.

No matter how big the carrot is it will never work.
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2013, 02:35:02 am »
False, Kiting and such wasn't always an issue, so the 'carrot' was good enough then.
The slot system Nerf introduced some nice realism, but the job was only half done balance wise, and players adapted to what they had. The retarded weight penalties sure as hell dont encourage people to draw their weapons and hopelessly get outmaneuvered to death with an already laughable melee build.

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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2013, 02:28:09 pm »
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Ranged is bigger issue now then it was back then. Food for thoughts :wink:

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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2013, 02:59:07 pm »
Actually you should not say that the only reason to choose a bow, means that the archer doesn't like playing in melee. Speaking personally, I always liked combining melee with bow/xbow, because both in one character offer for some more tactical play. There are also some archers who don't like melee, and it seems like a majority. I really respect those persons in person, but I also fail to understand their logic of playing this game at the same moment.

Besides, that playstyles are generally less effective in my opinion. This game is about melee mechanics in the end. Not like I'm overvaluing melee skills over everything else or I want to destroy the fun of the people that play the game like this, it is just the way how this game works. Sooner or later, there is always a time when you will be forced into melee. I never skip PS and a bit melee wpf as an Archer. Even if it's 3 PS and 30 wpf. Some other way simply seems unnatural for me.

Too bad, as prpavi said: We will NEVER make archers to take up arms in this mod, just the way it is. So maybe just reward hybrid archers more than kiting archers? I mean, lets make the usefulness same at archery, but lets don't allow kiting archers to be better archers than hybrid archers; at archery. I'm not saying hybrid archers should be basically armed with Danish Greatswords + Long bows and 2 stack of bodkin arrows. Just make that kind of playstyle more rewarding. Maybe taking the suggestion of Leshma about ranged/melee synergy, for determining the breaking chances of melee weapons is a good step. Because less melee = More upkeep, hence more reason to take a crappier weapon.
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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2013, 04:05:43 pm »
Many seem to believe that archers having 80 or so wpf in melee will suddenly break the balance. It won't, because archers use short weapons and you need good footwork to be effective with those. However, wearing next to no armor with 8 ATH isn't enough because bow+arrows weight a ton.

Simply put, last few archer nerfs were complete failure and achieved nothing, only aggravated rare breed of hybrid archers. Even with so much weight I can still kite but close combat is difficult.

Shokoshugi and the likes of him can easily roll high level 18/27 or 15/30 build with nomad/tatar bows and bodkins. Build like that still deals a lot of damage, can kite till tomorrow, is extremely precise, fires like a minigun, can shoot from a far and doesn't even require many looms (MW Bodkins only). Also, upkeep is quite low because you only pay for Bodkins (frequent 500 gold upkeep), bow with 190-200 wpf breaks once in few hours of playing.

What devs did is:
  • nerfed bow looms to the ground (now everyone can be just as effective, say hello to STF archer pros)
  • made cheap bows super powerful (wtf were they thinking)
  • raised wpf cap (benefits pure archers the most)
  • gave free respec to everyone

No wonder there is so many super effective archers and horse archers around when only thing they need is high level which is fairly common among veterans who got free respec.

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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2013, 11:22:16 am »
I dislike the most that those pew-pew bows are so powerfull and accurate (with nomad and tatar i have dot point for aiming).

There should be an accuracy cap for low tier bows, noone should have a dot accuracy.

Missile speed for low tier bows should be reduced. It's just a joke that even a ahort bow have higher missile speed than longbow.
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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #39 on: December 31, 2013, 12:35:30 pm »
"first rule of em all: common sense"
    ~ chadz

Pity that it this rule doesn't apply for item unbalancers  :lol:

As much as I appreciate your work on the mod I still don't get why we even have to discuss things like Steevee pointed out.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 12:38:51 pm by Dalhi »

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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2013, 12:43:53 pm »
I dislike the most that those pew-pew bows are so powerfull and accurate (with nomad and tatar i have dot point for aiming).

There should be an accuracy cap for low tier bows, noone should have a dot accuracy.

Missile speed for low tier bows should be reduced. It's just a joke that even a ahort bow have higher missile speed than longbow.

They obviously wanted to promote those, to that point underused, low tier bows. I've also read couple of times Paul mentioning realism as an argument (Mongols being best achers blah blah). But it truly sucks and I do agree with you.

Accuracy, missile speed and range is epic on those tiny bows. They only lack damage but bodkins can fix that. Also they cost next to nothing. You don't even need two quivers of arrows when using those bows cause it's really hard to miss your target thanks to dot reticule. Place yourself in a corner where few can see you, pull out a bow, switch to 1st person mode (55 fov for zoom) and pew pew headshots from distance. It's so easy.

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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #41 on: December 31, 2013, 12:48:26 pm »
Low teir bows do too much dmg, 30-40% on my heraldic brigandine
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Re: Ranged rebalance or going back to the roots
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2013, 01:04:31 pm »
Internal bow ballance is broken ATM.  Easiest way to kill guy with long bow? Take nomad or tatar bow and spam him to death. Playing with longbow on lvl 30 is really hard. If we compare to it pew-pew bows  they are just an easy mode.

You can say that hi lvl long bow archers like me are op. But  just imagine what will happen if  some day I'll switch my long bow to tatar bow ? QQ everywhere.

But don't afraid, I'll never do that, unless I'll join Quincy clan...
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