[10:29:09] teamkill,JohnRedcorn,Occitan_Kap10,melee,Masterwork Longsword,hb_head
[10:29:09] msg,Occitan_Kap10 team-killed JohnRedcorn
[10:29:16] chat,,Weet_III,team,GO KAP10!!
[10:29:17] kill,Elaeth,Occitan_Kap10,melee,Masterwork Longsword,hb_head
[10:29:22] kill,Occitan_Kap10,Weet_III,melee,Balanced Side Sword,hb_head
[10:29:25] chat,,JohnRedcorn,all,kap10
[10:29:28] chat,,JohnRedcorn,all,i have 300 pings
[10:29:32] chat,,JohnRedcorn,all,give me a fuckin g break
[10:29:38] chat,,JohnRedcorn,all,and stop being a total cunt
[10:29:45] chat,,Occitan_Kap10,all,lol u bb me
[10:29:58] chat,,Occitan_Kap10,all,just dont shot into melle
[10:30:02] chat,,JohnRedcorn,all,no
[10:30:04] chat,,JohnRedcorn,all,atts
[10:30:21] chat,,JohnRedcorn,all,why did you intentionally TK me?
No teamwounds were reported, so the only thing I have to go by is the chat & the fact you were TK'd by Kap10. In the future I suggest CTRL+M, since repeated teamwounds can help make it more clear something was intentional.
Kap10 seems to allude to it being intentional by saying you black-barred him, however the circumstances seem a little muddy since it sounds like your ping was awful. I'm a proponent of the ATTS mentality, however with 300 ping... it starts to get into the 'reckless TW' territory (
). Not that it would justify an intentional teamkill, but it changes the tone of the situation.
Kap10 has been around for a long time, and in that time he's only been banned once -almost a year and a half ago.
Considering the light ban history given his time here I'm going to let him off with a warning, but will send a message so he knows this thread came up.
Locking thread.