First of all I think there is a misconstruction or misapprehension. couldnt spawn with my equips like during
5 or 6 minutes on 1 map,i rejoined the server like 3 times and server said me like u have to press Shift for spawning (every time)... i did and i
necessarily spawned naked per round because of a bug or something like that i have no idea what was going on that wasnt on propose and wasnt my fault,but next map my items back up... that wasnt my fault and i just saw the ban topic and i tried to reply for defending myself but its locked right now, Thats why i create this topic pls unban me that wasnt my fault, that was a bug or something like that...btw i really didnt notice that guy type to me in game thats why i couldnt reply him in game i was talking with my friends about this bug in turkish...Please unban me.
There is no reason to ban me with only 1 photo from back side, its not my fault please unban me,Becaome a fair pls..
Im talking about this;