Author Topic: My 3 ways to fix heavy lance  (Read 388 times)

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My 3 ways to fix heavy lance
« on: February 27, 2013, 01:29:35 pm »
1. reduce the price for it significantly. it's not worth it's money atm

2. increase it's angle capabilities to make it a more dynamic weapon against other cav (especially 1h) and infantry

3. give it more damage. even +1 would suffice

Pick either of these 3 . In it's current state heavy lance is a stinking pile of shit.  It can still be ok in decent hands, especially someone on a fast horse (preferably arabian for the angles + acceleration) and with a ton of wpf in polearms. Even so , these facts make it a niche weapon that shouldn't cost as much as it used to.

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Re: My 3 ways to fix heavy lance
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2013, 01:44:25 pm »

The heavy lance is ranked as the best on the site, and we pay for it when in fact it is the spear that has the worst stats..
Even the archers are surprised because they did not die after 1 or 2 shots at full speed when they are dressed in leather !
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