I like your point. Premeditation was not what the guy in my experience had.
Apparently, he was the rich inheritance spoiled son of a wealthy oil company family. Parents gave him pretty much anything he wanted, including a gun. Can you see where this is going yet? Apparently though, he snapped one day because someone finally told him what he really was and why anyone likes him, his money.
I break the whole issue down to bad parenting. Nowadays, it's illegal to use corporal punishment. That's the problem. Kiddies grow up with no fear, no respect, no morals, and especially no common sense. My father was a Japanese immigrant. Stereotypical Japanese honor driven person. Not to mention he joined the U.S. Marine Corps, so if I ever did anything wrong, I got a long boring talk about morals and was thrown a swift beating. I'm the best human being I know because of it.
I'd love to cede from the U.S. union. Texas is one of very few who has the legal right to do so without it being treasonous or an act of war. Thank God for the forefathers. Economy used to be strong enough, that if we did the "nation" would stabilize in a decade or so.
Only problem is, as many laws that are being re-written and reviewed as unnecessary, if Texas ever did split I think the previous agreement would be annulled and Texas would be having to defend against an attempt of forceful annexation.