Ok to start this off, bacon and I were playing EU Rageball. I was sitting in front of goalie attempting to intercept the ball(which you can see i did succesfully). Well This guy didn't like that I killed him or was threating to score or something and he Poll bans me(attempts to atleast). After the ban fails he immediately gets off so that he can't get banned or anything. Well my clanmate and I think this is it, so we continue to play until we lose our multi and then we go and populate NA rageball.
Well, within minutes of joining, this guy immediately poll kicks my clanmate and then he, and 2 of his buddies leave immediately. Apparently, he and his buddies were greifing before we joined as another person said. Logs would tell you better. Time of Incidnet 1:20(EST) -1:40(EST). I Request this for NA ban as he griefed us multiple times, even though the initial grief was on EU servers. He and his cronies also griefed the players who were on before us.
I'd also like an EU admin to do something concerning this behavior.