Hate to post Banrequest but there are just too many idiots in this community...
Time: around 14:50 in Germany
Server: EU2
Person: Nord_Rufio_Pleaser_of_Widows
Story: That guy was raging in chat and QQing like hell,
at Flag i gave him a bitchslap with my 3str, 0Ps Wooden Stick (Punish me if needed
after that we stood a bit around, then he sudden attacked me and i blocked him like 13 times,
even CHUPAKABRA tried to stop him (his fist hit was an accident i guess), he continued and finally killed me.
After that he quitted the server.
Guess a timeout is just good for this guy since he trashtalks alot and QQ`s all the time.
Anyways, I demand justice!
ÊDIT: Dun like BANs, I will withdraw this request once he apologies, so i know he at least read it...