I was playing on EU6 the last days and encountered this guy with the alias "TheConfusedMonk..." -something, today his alias was TheConfusedSantaClaus. He mindlessly insults and rages about people and things without controll.
When I first clashed with him it was nothing unusual for cRPG. "youre a noob" "no u" -style conversation, I was not paying any further attention to this afterwards. This must have happened on may 20.
I just joined the server and he immediatly started to rage at me again. At first I started to retort the same manner he did but at some point I got the impression that this guy is not just raging but is seriously frustrated. I offered him to tell me what is concerning him but I guess he registered it as sarcasm ( which I cant take amiss, its the internet ). He refused to settle this argument by hurling insulting arguments around, disobeying every sense of logic.
Finally when it was obvious that words would not make him stop raging I shot him every now and then, ( he was in the enemy team ) hoping he might quit or stop, as pollvoting doesnt seem to be allowed in such a situation as I understand the rules.
So basicly I dont think this guy should be allowed on the servers at the moment because he seems a little mentally unstable and therefore asking an admin to warn or temporaly ban him. Im not playing through steam and the print key does not work, so if someone considers this important enough Im asking you to go through the logs. This just took place 10:00pm - 10:45pm ( UTC +1 )