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Make the reticule for ranged pinpoint accurate at 150 170 WPF at full longest range of the weapon. In other words, if a target is standing still, and you have your crosshairs on it (adjusting for the arc of course, it is actually an inch or so above), then you hit it.Increase throwing ammo for low end weapons.Buff athletics so that melee can move and dodge properly again. That means being able to use strafe properly, not by spinning left and right 90 degrees while charging forwards. It doesn't matter if ranged has pinpoint accuracy if the melee is no longer where the ranged shot. Reduce the athletics penalty given to shielders. If you have to reduce the weight of shields to nothing to accomplish that, then do it.Give cavalry their range back on poles on horseback. Let them spin around in a 360 as they want trying to catch those dancing melee again.Take away the bonus damage to cavalry legs.Add horse rear back to the polearms that had it removed.Reduce the athletics penalty due to terrain variations.Remove the unsheathable tag from weapons.Increase IF to 2.5 to 3 per point. Increase the weapon speed given to higher WPF.
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