Author Topic: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)  (Read 1842 times)

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Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« on: July 24, 2013, 10:35:02 pm »
Apsod`s peaceful map(s)

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Only made one map so far, but I plan on making more. They will all include peaceful elements, such as stones or grass.

Feel free to post feedback

Offline Zlisch_The_Butcher

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Re: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2013, 10:48:40 pm »
Apsod is a dirty heretic and will not accomplish his plans of making more maps as my plans of burning him at the stake are far more important.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2013, 12:28:31 am »
Peaceful mountains:

First of all: What the fuck are those random horses doing in the map? Lol man xD (No need to remove them, but damn i was surprised when i double clicked on that sumpter horse, haha)

But the real review: I like that it's a pretty forest/mountain map, but sadly it has some major balance issues. B has early access to the highest area where archers can pew down to everywhere and trust me, once people figured out that there is that hill where that little single house is, everybody will get their asses their and camp the shit out of it. Team A barely has any mountains like that. Either you add a mountain close to A that can reach the big one that will be used by B or try to replace the mountain with something different.
Another dealbreaker and why i would never add this map into the rotation at its current stage is the fact that it encourages camping. Like, a lot. You will definitely have to work around all those dead ends in your map. If there is a place where you can completely block off the enemy with a few people it's definitely not good for the gameplay. Those dead ends are also very biased towards B.

What would basically solve all of this is when you rework all the invisible walls. Don't force people to walk along in a maze like that by actually making it some kind of real maze with all the invisible walls. Block off all the high mountains that you don't want the players to get on, so if people are camping at the house area they can sneak around the hill and go for backstab instead of being forced to walk up on that hill from only one direction. Or just enable everything to the player (Anything within the outer walls that you already have) and only block off the river.
That's all i have to say for now. Right now those invisible walls are killing this map =/
Try to think of a new solution for this. Also: Invisible walls should always go through the ground textures, there were some places where you could definitely jump and/or just walk through/over an invisible wall. Bigger=better

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Re: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 01:11:23 am »
Peaceful mountains:

First of all: What the fuck are those random horses doing in the map? Lol man xD (No need to remove them, but damn i was surprised when i double clicked on that sumpter horse, haha)

But the real review: I like that it's a pretty forest/mountain map, but sadly it has some major balance issues. B has early access to the highest area where archers can pew down to everywhere and trust me, once people figured out that there is that hill where that little single house is, everybody will get their asses their and camp the shit out of it. Team A barely has any mountains like that. Either you add a mountain close to A that can reach the big one that will be used by B or try to replace the mountain with something different.
Another dealbreaker and why i would never add this map into the rotation at its current stage is the fact that it encourages camping. Like, a lot. You will definitely have to work around all those dead ends in your map. If there is a place where you can completely block off the enemy with a few people it's definitely not good for the gameplay. Those dead ends are also very biased towards B.

What would basically solve all of this is when you rework all the invisible walls. Don't force people to walk along in a maze like that by actually making it some kind of real maze with all the invisible walls. Block off all the high mountains that you don't want the players to get on, so if people are camping at the house area they can sneak around the hill and go for backstab instead of being forced to walk up on that hill from only one direction. Or just enable everything to the player (Anything within the outer walls that you already have) and only block off the river.
That's all i have to say for now. Right now those invisible walls are killing this map =/
Try to think of a new solution for this. Also: Invisible walls should always go through the ground textures, there were some places where you could definitely jump and/or just walk through/over an invisible wall. Bigger=better
Thanks for the review. The horses were just a little easter egg :P

The reason for making it so that the mountains could only be reached by one road was so that archers could not just run away if melee got to them and instead would have to fight. I made those places great for shooting, but very weak if melee got in close.

Also, about the invisible walls having places where you could go over/through them. I made this map a long time ago, so I can`t say for sure, but if I remember correctly I double checked the invisible walls. I guess I could have missed some spots though.

I`ll probably try to sort the map out sometime soon.

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Re: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2013, 12:00:24 pm »
Those hills realy cant be climbable, this makes you have to rework all of them and use valley rocks and other objects so the barriers seem more natural.

I was going to make a map with hills and a river like this one, but i gave up, theres a reason why they dont stay on the rotation that long...

But i sitll like it!, good map.

Offline Zlisch_The_Butcher

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Re: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2013, 01:59:04 pm »
The reason for making it so that the mountains could only be reached by one road was so that archers could not just run away if melee got to them and instead would have to fight. I made those places great for shooting, but very weak if melee got in close.
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Wouldn't archers still be able to run straight down the cliffs if need be while taking no fall damage like usual?
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2013, 02:01:44 pm »
Wouldn't archers still be able to run straight down the cliffs if need be while taking no fall damage like usual?
IIRC there is only one way up and one way down. It is not possible to walk down any other way than the road up.

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Re: Apsod`s peaceful map(s)
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2013, 02:03:12 pm »
Looks so peaceful.. i could sleep there..
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