But Xant has right too, low athletics isnot good on a battle server because you will get ganged, imo 18/21 or 21/21 at level 30 must be best builds.
I've taken Xant's advice and shooting for an 18/21 (currently at lvl 27). Yeah, I believe this is the case as well... that's Athletics is very important. Hence the question that I'm hoping will be answered...
is it foolish to wear 20 total weight of armor with my 18/21 build? Am I just killing my 7 Athletics by wearing heavy-ish armor?As mentioned above... I ask all this cause I really think I look sexy in Rus Scale Armor (which weighs 18.1). And I love that it takes several hits to kills me. But just curious if I'm taking away my greatest strength... mobility & speed... by wear approximately 20 weight of armor?