I wish everyone read the whole topic before posting. Several people already said something I agree with.
The trade off is a better build. Oh no, only 1 or 2 or 3 extra points....
that makes the biggest difference.
Imagine a HA, 18 21 at lvl 30. Imagine going 18 24 much more deadly, imagine having the accuracy of more wpf and horse archery skill.
or topping off that skill that seems a little weak.
All of you want to get rewarded for months of grinding, but you dont get that you already are. The extra points you get give you the advantage of shooting/throwing more accuratly, swinging/shooting/throwing faster, as well as maybe taking more hits. Getting that extra riding skill that makes a destrier god like.
So stop whining about the grinding, you chose to have this advantage, no extra advantages should be given.
Although the topic has strayed a bit, i am returning it to the matter at hand, what it started with.
( no +4 items, thats retarded talk )