Author Topic: Ban request for three players on rageball server.  (Read 304 times)

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Ban request for three players on rageball server.
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:22:40 pm »
Hey there.
I'd like to ask a ban on three players, namely: Templar_Guy, Templar_Byrdi and balls_of_steel.
In the middle of the round, those three player were standing behind a spawn point and killing everyone that was appearing there, thus making the game unplayable to me and other players of my team.
A well deserved ban in my opinion.
here's 35mb worth of  screenshots (rar):
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Re: Ban request for three players on rageball server.
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2012, 08:18:08 pm »
Currently spawnraping is not against the rules.
It happens because people doesn't know how to play the new game mode.

Tip that might help or fail: Next time if that happens, spawn with armor and you should be able to leave the spawn -> you spawn in a random place or ask your fellow teammates help in the spawn.

Truth to be told, if you have a problem with spawnraping and endless fights - I'm afraid I have to tell you - You're doing it wrong!

You will soon understand the reason for respawning where you died. Forget comparing it with other gamemodes. We had a spawn close to your own goal in beta, it wasn't that good. People were suiciding to intercept attacking players with the ball. It was just a matter of luck if somone spawned between you and the goal or not. It also gave more power to those trying to kill all the time.

Currently, killing doesn't mean a lot, unless it is in the right time at the right place. If you play with people who know what they are doing, it often happens that you are standing right next to an enemy in midfield and neither is attacking the other one. Because it would be useless.

In the public server, people still play it like deathmatch, I expected nothing less, it takes time to get used to it. In a week, things will look different.

Long story short: don't fight unless needed.

(BTW, STR defines how far you can throw)