Ok, here we go:
1. Raven_Nymeria
At the beggining of the round this guy started qml-ing random people near spawnpoints.
2. Chaos567
Just a leecher standing naked outside the castle all the time.
3. Wiesniak_Mateusz
Tk at the beggining of the round. Then he says that guy hit him first...
4. T_knht_Mikhal_Kubich & T_knp_Frost
How you can see in this looong screen-story, these 2 guys made equipment box and started placing CSs, ladders and siege shields on way to flag... When 1 guy got angry because of it and destroyed this box, one of them just tked him (last screen).
There were 2 ban polls, many people told them to stop, but it didn't work. It wasn't first time so short ban would be enough to show them, that spamming isn't allowed cause they are convinced its permissible...