Author Topic: Why is everything getting nerfed except polearm spammers ?  (Read 9012 times)

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Re: Why is everything getting nerfed except polearm spammers ?
« Reply #75 on: January 27, 2011, 08:02:24 pm »
I was actually saying that 1hers are BETTER in some situations, do you disagree ?
Sure, better at advancing on ranged guys.  In melee I still contest that 2h/polearms are better in every situation, multiple enemies or single opponents.  I know I've been playing my 2her pretty much exclusively, without a shield at all, and it's far easier to fuck shit up than it is on a 1her.

0-1 skillpoints shields break in a couple of strikes and comparing them to the shields pure 1handers use is nonsense. 
Not against arrows.  They last quite a while, often times looking like they've grown a small forest of arrows on them without breaking.  Compared to the huscarl shield, sure they're much weaker but that's an issue with internal shield balancing because frankly the huscarl shield is still overall hands down the best shield in every situation.  I use heater shields or smaller kite/round shields than the huscarl partially because I want more speed (which isn't noticable) and partially because being just another member of the huscarl masses is full of "meh" in my eyes in terms of visual style.

And if you're saying  1handers cannot advance and attack at the same time, check Mercs/Drz when they play together from time to time. That is in case NA community doesn't have decently organized clans with 1hander squads.
We do, but the mechanics do not allow you to block and attack at the same time with a shield.  If you're attacking, you're vunerable.  That's what I'm saying.  If you're advancing with shield up, you're not attacking.  2hers/polearm users can do this as well.  Equip shield, hold RMB, advance to melee range, put shield away.

1 more thing- why/how should someone advance with a katana/bastardsword and a shield if he uses a let's say danish greatsword ?
Then that's the drawback of using a lolsword.  I don't carry a shield at all on my 2her and I find it's perfectly balanced.  I'm vunerable to ranged, but I can 1-2 hit everyone in melee range along with being faster due to animations and with more reach than 1hers.  If you're going to use a lolsword you either suck it up against ranged (fair) or grab a random shield for 1 of your 3 unused weapon slots and use it to advance, putting away when you get in melee ranged (fair).

I'm not sure how we got on this topic either except that somewhere back in the thread someone brought up the whole hybrid issue again which somehow led to this point.
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Re: Why is everything getting nerfed except polearm spammers ?
« Reply #76 on: January 30, 2011, 02:50:32 am »

and now its officially the era of ITHROWSHITATYOU ( great char name btw  :D )


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Re: Why is everything getting nerfed except polearm spammers ?
« Reply #77 on: January 30, 2011, 04:49:21 am »
One thing i'd like to correct, is that polestun seems to work even against blocking (can't block while stunned, as opposed to what other people said in the thread). So if the polespammer is an extreme spammer, get hit once and you're dead/permastunned.

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Re: Why is everything getting nerfed except polearm spammers ?
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2011, 09:05:32 am »
On my thrower alt, I have only 50 wpf in 2H.  I have not experienced polestun or the inability to attack any polearm user.  I am able to block and counter quite effectively.

It's just a matter of skill and timing.

Edit:  And that char has gone up against goretooth, devilize, and a few other skilled polearm users.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 09:07:56 am by panderson »

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Re: Why is everything getting nerfed except polearm spammers ?
« Reply #79 on: January 30, 2011, 12:54:54 pm »
The polearm stun is mostly noticeable when you make the patter thrust slash thrust but you need some agi and not a slow weapon to do this (You can do it with pike too only thrusting with enough agility and wpf)

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Re: Why is everything getting nerfed except polearm spammers ?
« Reply #80 on: January 30, 2011, 07:42:47 pm »
On my thrower alt, I have only 50 wpf in 2H.  I have not experienced polestun or the inability to attack any polearm user.  I am able to block and counter quite effectively.

It's just a matter of skill and timing.

Edit:  And that char has gone up against goretooth, devilize, and a few other skilled polearm users.

I surely lack the skill for clicking the mousebuttons. Thanks for telling me, i never thought of it!