Author Topic: Merc_Jambi  (Read 1569 times)

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« on: July 01, 2011, 04:28:02 pm »
Short story :

I spawn , there's  the usual spawn lag, i barely move forward on my horse and bump a teammate. Turned out it was Jambi and he immediatly decided to get his revenge. Since it was crowded his first shot missed and actually hit another teammate, his second shot took 1/2 of my hp.

Unfortunately i don't run my game with fraps on 24/7, but as you can see on the pictures he's not denying anything himself. I won't be surprised if he'll come by this topic and will start  justifying his actions cause he believes he's right.

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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 04:33:53 pm »
Your missing half the story.

You bumped me twice... on 1 spawn.

Asked you too stop bumping me.

Next round.... you bump me again on purpose, i saw you make the b-line toward me. So i shot some random arrow in your direction.. to warn you off.
Shoganute spawn bumping Mercs on purpose... is commonly done.

Happend around 16.00 (+1gmt) on EU 1. I urge an Admin to check the logs, and see what BS Shoganute_Ujin threw at me.

Also screenshots proof nothing... it could have been anyone's arrow. And im pleased you show how dishonerable you are... posting the screenshots working in your favor.

Also want to say, that ive never been banned before.. and hold the rules ingame very highly. I only once broke a rule.. where i killed a fellow Merc, when we were joking around on TS, an admin forced the rules by saying i couldnt do that. And never done so anymore after.

Why should i start breakign the rules now, over Ujin ?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 04:50:05 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2011, 04:38:54 pm »
I don't read chat most of the time. And i don't remember bumping you for the first time, but i can understand your frustration. But both bumps were unintentional and i can bet the second one  didnt even hurt you because i was moving slowly.  And that teammate definately was not involved in it, but still received a point blank shot from you because of your anger management and huge ego issues.

You've just posted proof of your rage  yourself, there's no need to bring in fingerprints and eye witnesses.

Nothing else to say here, it's up to admins.

P.S. lol i've just noticed that you removed the line in your own post that you actually did make those shots... clever, but a bit late :D
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 04:39:57 pm by Shogunate_Ujin »

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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2011, 04:43:03 pm »
I don't read chat most of the time. And i don't remember bumping you for the first time, but i can understand your frustration. But both bumps were unintentional and i can bet the second one  didnt even hurt you because i was moving slowly.  And that teammate definately was not involved in it, but still received a point blank shot from you because of your anger management and huge ego issues.

You've just posted proof of your rage  yourself, there's no need to bring in fingerprints and eye witnesses.

Nothing else to say here, it's up to admins.

P.S. lol i've just noticed that you removed the line in your own post that you actually did make those shots... clever, but a bit late :D

proof of my huge ego? proof of my anger managment? Rage?
I think an Admin should realy read thru the logs.. and read the chat, while the incident.

Told you to stop bumping me.
Next spawn you made a b-line bumped me again.
Told you to stop bumping me, or else.
You bumped me again next spawn.
I made a warning shot.
You blow up to me in chat.

Seriously.. please some Admin look into the logs.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 04:45:37 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2011, 04:47:26 pm »
P.S. lol i've just noticed that you removed the line in your own post that you actually did make those shots... clever, but a bit late :D

You high ?
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2011, 04:50:26 pm »
So now i've bumped you 3 times already, not 2 ?

Ok, one last responce.

First of all,  about your ego :

I rage when teammate archers accidentally shoot me or my horse, but i don't take justice in my own hands and start teamattacking them back.And i don't go "Hey you better don't fuck with me, I'm Ujin, you do this again i will mess you up".  And trust me, i get teamshots much more often than you get teambumps.   I think we've covered the ego topic, right ?

Now, about the teambumps- if i did it , i apologize for them , but there's no way i would do it intentionally or even more than that, deliberately temabump you. Get over it, i'm not really interested in you.

About the "warning shot" - it wasn't just one shot , it was a couple of them , the first one hitting a teammate that ran in front of you. Like i said before, the second one took 60 % of my hp. Now, how much damage did that spawn teambump do to you ?

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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2011, 04:56:11 pm »
So now i've bumped you 3 times already, not 2 ?

Ok, one last responce.

First of all,  about your ego :

I rage when teammate archers accidentally shoot me or my horse, but i don't take justice in my own hands and start teamattacking them back.And i don't go "Hey you better don't fuck with me, I'm Ujin, you do this again i will mess you up".  And trust me, i get teamshots much more often than you get teambumps.   I think we've covered the ego topic, right ?

Now, about the teambumps- if i did it , i apologize for them , but there's no way i would do it intentionally or even more than that, deliberately temabump you. Get over it, i'm not really interested in you.

About the "warning shot" - it wasn't just one shot , it was a couple of them , the first one hitting a teammate that ran in front of you. Like i said before, the second one took 60 % of my hp. Now, how much damage did that spawn teambump do to you ?

I never stated anywhere, too stop bumping me.. because im Jambi and bla bla bla. Dunno where your whole "jambi is ego tripper" thing comes from.
And no, the one arrow i shot in your direction i dont see as a teamattack. I wasnt amining to hit you.. and never meant too. if my arrow did hit you , it was an accident. I guess sorta like your horse bumping on spawn... to put it in your way.

And too tell you about the horse bump damage. I can normally survive 2 arrows... just. If i get horsebumped on start.. it takes about 30% of my health. Wich makes me die in 1 arrow or 1 bolt. or 1 slash

If someone needs to get banned, it must be you.... for being delibrate spawning horse bumping.. and trashtalking.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:03:53 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2011, 05:02:49 pm »
You fired two shots, that's what i'm saying. The first one hit the other teammate who was running by, the second hit me .

I seriously doubt my bump at spawn damaged you that much, i wasn't going full speed and it wasn't as " reckless" as you're trying to portray it. I try to apologize for any significant teambump i make , but it's hard to deal with the spawnlag, obviously i don't ride at full speed when i spawn.

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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2011, 05:07:52 pm »
You fired two shots, that's what i'm saying. The first one hit the other teammate who was running by, the second hit me .

I seriously doubt my bump at spawn damaged you that much, i wasn't going full speed and it wasn't as " reckless" as you're trying to portray it. I try to apologize for any significant teambump i make , but it's hard to deal with the spawnlag, obviously i don't ride at full speed when i spawn.

Yep just realised you said i fired 2 shots, instead of me misreading i shot you twice. I editted that out.

Nope only shot 1 arrow. There was never more.

So you apologized for team bumping me 3 times on 2 diffrent rounds on spawn, while you were warned twice. Apology accepted by me.
I shot 1 warning arrow. and from your side of the story it hit you. If it was my arrow that hit you, i apologize for it.... it was never meant to hit you. It was meant as a warning shot, that you consistant horsebumping was pissing me off. Can you excuse me for that, as ive accepted your apologies for your  significant teambumping ?

But there's still the issue of you trashtalking me, wich i would like to have an Admin look into. before judging this ban post
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:17:36 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2011, 05:19:52 pm »
Anyways about anger management.

If your horsebumping me, and i warn you. And you have your fraps and screenshots ready.. bumping me again.. watching if i react to it.

I call that griefing
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:21:02 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 05:20:18 pm »
Yep just realised you said i fired 2 shots, instead of me misreading i shot you twice. I editted that out.

Nope only shot 1 arrow. There was never more.

So you apologized for team bumping me 3 times on 2 diffrent rounds, while you were warned twice. Apology accepted by me.
I shot 1 warning arrow. and from your side of the story it hit you. If it was my arrow that hit you, i apologize for it.... it was never meant to hit you.

But there's still the issue of you trashtalking me

This looks like an attempt to settle this peacefully, i guess you've read the rules (or consulted with someone?) and realised that teamattacking back for any reason, justified or not, is against the rules. =)

A couple of points :

1. Since when does any cRPG player have the right to "warn" anyone and than "fire warning shots" (Officer Jambi?) or teamattack back, instead of calling an admin if you believe someone is misbehaving ?

2.  There was another teammate that got hit in the process, unless i was hallucinating and this is all a dream and we're in the Matrix etc.

Well, i tend to think that arrow was intentional, so you can understand my confusion. I merely called you what i believe you are, you can barely call that trashtalking. I mean, you never held back your opinion about me or my clan neither. But this is not personal, trust me. I simply don't like getting hit for more than half of my hp at the beggining of the round for a reason i don't know about.

Once again Jambi, i apologize for the teambumps, but i'd still like admins to look into this matter.

Feel free to respond, i'll just wait for the decision.

P.S. dear God, Jambi, come on. This is getting pathetic. Yeah, i'm a known griefer and i like abusing people to get them banned for my amusement.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:21:20 pm by Shogunate_Ujin »

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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2011, 05:26:41 pm »
This looks like an attempt to settle this peacefully, i guess you've read the rules (or consulted with someone?) and realised that teamattacking back for any reason, justified or not, is against the rules. =)

A couple of points :

1. Since when does any cRPG player have the right to "warn" anyone and than "fire warning shots" (Officer Jambi?) or teamattack back, instead of calling an admin if you believe someone is misbehaving ?

I try to resolve things myself first. I dont see any harm in warning someone twice thru chat. And then fire a warning shot.. that isnt supposed to hit anyone, if they dont take the chat seriously. I dont like calling admins on these minor issue´s ... cause usually there is a kick or ban followed. So to protect both you and me for being kicked or banned, i tried resolving it myself.

But since you dragged it onto a ban post. There is no other way but to have admin intervening.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:28:07 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2011, 05:36:13 pm »
P.S. dear God, Jambi, come on. This is getting pathetic. Yeah, i'm a known griefer and i like abusing people to get them banned for my amusement.

Thats why im asking a Admin to read thru the logs. You were tying to taunt a reaction out of me, by asking me bulshit... and talking stuff like interviews etc, and i guess you were amused by doing so. I let you have your fun, and simply didnt respond too it.

And me intentionally teamattacking people? Meh never. Ive seen plenty mercs being isnta banned for that. Im not that stupid
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:37:58 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2011, 06:21:29 pm »
After reviewing your screenshots. It doesnt proof anything.
1# screenshot = I see you with an arrow stuck in your chest. Me running into a whole diffrent direction, without even paying attention to you. And i dont see any other teammate with an arrow stuck in him.

2# screenshot = You raging at me, and im only responding saying, Told you man.. you bumping me, ill fuck you up. Thinking you were raging about my warning shot... wich on my screen i didnt see hit you.... so in my defense, it could have been anyone´s arrow that hit you... even an enemy side arrow. cause it seems by the team already split up.. the roudn was well on its way already. Also implies on screenshot #1 It could have been anyone´s arrow.

3# screenshot = You running around on full HP, no arrows in your or your horse whatsover... making a screenshot, where i say~ Sure np, you bumping me on purpose.

I highly doubt, it proofs any accusations you make against me.

I remember i did TK and teamshot 1 person my play session. And always either excused myself, by saying sorry or soz... almsot right after.

Thats why im asking for an Admin to look into the logs. Cause you were raging and team bumping me from the moment i joined the game.

I deny any arrows from me hitting you or teammates on purpose.

my last post on this nonsense.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 11:47:34 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Merc_Jambi
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2011, 09:22:37 am »
Banlist is back but I'm not going to ban for 1 teamwounding done 2 weeks ago. Just don't do it again.