Author Topic: So, Arrows are actually paper airplanes now...  (Read 4277 times)

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Re: So, Arrows are actually paper airplanes now...
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2011, 07:21:46 pm »
On the bright side. One bonus to the new arrow speed is that when I get shot at by another archer I can go outside have a smoke, come back in then dodge.

I tend to go get a bite to eat, but to each their own.  Of course sometimes I come back and find a couple javelins and bolts in me, but if I am still alive I can usually go kill the archer with my sword so at least I can have a positive k/d.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: So, Arrows are actually paper airplanes now...
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2011, 07:24:07 pm »
One good thing though is that we can indirect fire at least. Managed to in the twin bridge over a river map, lob 30+ arrows over and actually kill 3 people (one by headshot) and wound a few more, all the while hiding at the steps. Pretty amusing...
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Re: So, Arrows are actually paper airplanes now...
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2011, 07:56:22 am »
On the bright side. One bonus to the new arrow speed is that when I get shot at by another archer I can go outside have a smoke, come back in then dodge.

I close my eyes then randomly spin in a circle, most of the time I escape unscathed.
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Re: So, Arrows are actually paper airplanes now...
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2011, 08:15:55 am »
So I created a skip the fun alt with 9 powerdraw and 138 wpf in archery to see how effective that might be in counteracting this massive nerf.  There is so little skill involved, its much more oh I got lucky that time and it sank to the ground near enough to hit an enemy (for anything over 10 feet away).  You could still have gotten a lob effect with 45 shoot speed but without the complete uselessness its become.  At elast throwers have ammo with GIGANTIC hitboxes that don't require pinpoint accuracy to hit something as the ammo itself is 10x the size of an arrow and counts for full damage no matter which part of the axe/javelin/lance hits the enemy (just watch where you have a random axe handle sticking out of your hitbox in midair above your shoulder with the blade even higher, yet receive full damage). 

Yes, I used  nomad, strong, and long bow (doesn't make much difference as they all are within 2 shoot speeds of each other) and the damage was decent but the accuracy was highly marginal for anything above a ten foot radius mostly because of the massive unpredictable dropoff of the arrows.  Why not just raise shoot speed by 10 (so only a 15% decrease from before) but reduce damage by 3-4 for each bow (same effect as the -10 shoot speed) and return skill to archery, the kind of skill that is enjoyable and fun without taking away the fun of enemies you interact with (unless they require themselves to be immune to all attacks to have fun).  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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