So now i've bumped you 3 times already, not 2 ?
Ok, one last responce.
First of all, about your ego :
I rage when teammate archers accidentally shoot me or my horse, but i don't take justice in my own hands and start teamattacking them back.And i don't go "Hey you better don't fuck with me, I'm Ujin, you do this again i will mess you up". And trust me, i get teamshots much more often than you get teambumps. I think we've covered the ego topic, right ?
Now, about the teambumps- if i did it , i apologize for them , but there's no way i would do it intentionally or even more than that, deliberately temabump you. Get over it, i'm not really interested in you.
About the "warning shot" - it wasn't just one shot , it was a couple of them , the first one hitting a teammate that ran in front of you. Like i said before, the second one took 60 % of my hp. Now, how much damage did that spawn teambump do to you ?