Allow me to describe what happened. The player itself was AFK for at least 30 seconds before I accused him, I also kicked him first and he did not react. After I accused him, he chased me down, TKed me 3 times in a row and teamwounded me a few more times, all while spouting vulgarities at me. THIS, as opposed to his baseless accusations, is easily verifiable in the logs from last night.
On the topic of accusing people of leeching, I always wait at least 20 seconds before accusing them, and kick them first to make sure they are truly AFK and not alt-tabbed, even though alt-tabbing is a form of leeching. This nets me a more than 90% success rate on my accusations. I guess people are just butthut that they can't go AFK to chat on MSN when they play on this server anymore.