the option of soft retirement could solve all those whiney posts about how impossible it is to reach lvl 31. I started playing quite recently, made myself 3rd generation (so getting 1200xp/min with x1), atm i am missing only like 3,5million XP to lvl up, and considering that now i have few friends, that started playing again, the XP just comes along while we are having fun.
Not to talk about realism, i mean, you do not retire in real at 25 years or something. So lvlup, play around a little, and in some time ull hit 31 too, being grinder or not. Just, grinders have it quicker
I, for one, disagree with removal of WPF percentage, as i was going to build up my char as pure 2h spec, which is now cinda useless, as i wont have any bonus over anyone else having same spec, no matter what generation we are. From the RPG point of view it even made sense, ur father/mother, who was skilled warrior, passed some of their experience to you, so you can control the main weapon from them with some bonus.
Anyways, as a newcomer pretty much, i dont mind these changes. Its even fun to run around in leather whilst earning money for the sweet piece of steel you dreamed about.