Depends on how you like to play.
Agi shield build, level 35: 15/27. Gives you 9 athletics, weapon master, and shield skill, with 5 power strike. You'll need to use harder hitting weapons and you'll be fragile, but the mobility and 200 WPF lets you choose your battles and make quick work of archers.
Strength shield build, level 35: 30/15. Gives you 5 weapon master, athletics, and shield, with a mighty 10 power strike and a still very decent 140 WPF, with one extra point you can throw into ironflesh. You'll hit very hard and can be a tank on the battlefield if you wear heavy armor, but still retain a decent mobility if you wear lighter armors.
Balanced shield build, level 35: 21/21. Gives you 7 weapon master, athletics, shield, and power strike, with an extra 4 points for ironflesh. This technically makes you tankier than the strength build, and also leaves you a lot of versatility with weapons choice and mobility. Also makes for an excellent 1h cav build if you take away 3 points from strength and throw them into riding.
I've done all of these builds many times, and found that I do the best with the balanced build. However, you don't have to fit the mold exactly, you can take away some agi for strength or vice versa; it really depends on how you like to play. The new xp/gold means that more players will be wearing more armor, so a harder hitting build is probably best to have right now.