Author Topic: Banner Changes  (Read 4237 times)

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Offline Auphilia

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Re: Banner Changes
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2014, 01:47:23 am »

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I say all of these should be removed too, with the exception of the Takeda banner. Why is that even on here? That was an actual coat of arms for a Japanese feudal clan. I'm surprised so many people overlooked that.

Some people have the argument that these banners are just for fun, but the counter argument to this is some people do not have fun coming onto a game like this just to see a bunch of seamen, yoshis, anime girls, football banners, hello kitties, and whatever other derp that people can muster up.

We need more EU admins in NA. Our NA admins are all too tolerant of autism. I'll go even further and say that is what is wrong with the internet. People get on the internet, children mostly, and develop an acceptance of idiocy and then become idiots themselves. If humans acted the way they do on the internet in any other time period, they would be probably be killed off. I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news, but we can't really ignore the fact that the internet, and especially a video game community, has a huge influence on children exposed to such environments. When everyone is running around with their vulgar and idiotic names and their idiotic troll banners and that becomes the accepted behavior, you are really doing a number on humanity, whether it be conscious or not.

I'm not saying don't have fun and don't be silly ever. I'm just saying there should be some effort of consideration for those who are affected negatively by such behaviors. And right now the majority of NA is a pile of autistic putrid, to be generous. Maybe its worse in EU, and they stepped up their admin game.

Incoming infamy. >.>

[EDIT]: 350k is a fair price to pay for your crimes against humanity, sir!  :lol:

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Re: Banner Changes
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2014, 02:02:40 am »
I say all of these should be removed too, with the exception of the Takeda banner. Why is that even on here? That was an actual coat of arms for a Japanese feudal clan. I'm surprised so many people overlooked that.  Also the 13 Knights' banner, which looks appropriate and extremely awesome.

Some people have the argument blah blah blah etc etc.

I agree about the 13 Knights' banner.  Latin and Roman numerals are time specific, and the tears and the bloodstains add to the grittiness of the battle.  Are you saying these two fine noble knights look 'wrong'?

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Re: Banner Changes
« Reply #47 on: August 06, 2014, 06:16:27 am »
I say all of these should be removed too, with the exception of the Takeda banner. Why is that even on here? That was an actual coat of arms for a Japanese feudal clan. I'm surprised so many people overlooked that.

Some people have the argument that these banners are just for fun, but the counter argument to this is some people do not have fun coming onto a game like this just to see a bunch of seamen, yoshis, anime girls, football banners, hello kitties, and whatever other derp that people can muster up.

We need more EU admins in NA. Our NA admins are all too tolerant of autism. I'll go even further and say that is what is wrong with the internet. People get on the internet, children mostly, and develop an acceptance of idiocy and then become idiots themselves. If humans acted the way they do on the internet in any other time period, they would be probably be killed off. I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news, but we can't really ignore the fact that the internet, and especially a video game community, has a huge influence on children exposed to such environments. When everyone is running around with their vulgar and idiotic names and their idiotic troll banners and that becomes the accepted behavior, you are really doing a number on humanity, whether it be conscious or not.

I'm not saying don't have fun and don't be silly ever. I'm just saying there should be some effort of consideration for those who are affected negatively by such behaviors. And right now the majority of NA is a pile of autistic putrid, to be generous. Maybe its worse in EU, and they stepped up their admin game.

Incoming infamy. >.>

[EDIT]: 350k is a fair price to pay for your crimes against humanity, sir!  :lol:

I work hard in real life then get on this lovely game to pwn as a football player. Being considerate? Since when was anyone considerate in the world of gaming? lol. Whether I'm running around saying "Manning the siege tower" or wearing a banner. Its all the same. People look at me in bright orange and know who that is. They want to hug me with their swords for burning their eyes and horses turn away. If anything my Banner was a safety system perfectly crafted to alert people of my presence.

Being considerate would mean giving me thine money or banner back for lack of explanation. The real crime was not explaining why my banner was any different from the next Shekel Danglers?

Offline Auphilia

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Re: Banner Changes
« Reply #48 on: August 06, 2014, 06:23:58 am »
Your banner is a more tolerable one, compared to the others.

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Re: Banner Changes
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2014, 05:21:21 pm »

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings cmp, I would feel pretty bad too if I was a useless no life virgin who spent his adulthood making video games LOL
its ok though, now i have more time to - all the posters i dont like
But I wrote a poem that I would like you all to read
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Re: Banner Changes
« Reply #50 on: August 16, 2014, 03:07:03 am »
i just hate it when i see a fun banner, it really takes me out of the moment when im deepthroating a meaty cock and i see people having fun with internet art

every time this thread comes up i wonder what went wrong with this game, jesus fuck, lets start duel tournaments with exclusive king helmets but lets not let people have banners they paid for, cool philosophy
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Re: Banner Changes
« Reply #51 on: August 19, 2014, 07:35:22 am »
We had the same problem Manning, just put shields on it somewhere and it should pass as "medieval".
Terrible fucking names terrible fucking video game. character, stupid banner. You will be extinct like your amoeba brained brethren. This all could have been avoided if your banner was the little Jason voorhees looking characters from super Mario brothers 3. You dug your own graves now lay in it!