Fuck your crossbow tweak, that will make my arbalest near impossible to aim, as it already can't rival an archers reticle at 160 wpf, and the damage was already nerfed with removing the sniper xbow for an arbalest. I think horses are fine, they were already nerfed in the last patch.
How will it make it impossible to aim?
All I want is there to be a minimum of wpf for ever crossbow. if you have 160 wpf then you should be able to use every crossbow available. I am not asking for a change in accuracy as a blanket penalty to every crossbow, I am merely asking for there to be some kind of "requirement" for crossbows that force an investment in wpf, so that if you only have 1 wpf then you can only take the worst crossbow.
EDIT: And I am rather confused, what do you mean "damage was already nerfed with removing the sniper xbow for an arbalest.?"
Sniper Crossbow
weight 3.75
requirement 15
spd rtng 18
shoot speed 60
thrust damage 75 pierce
max ammo 1
accuracy 93
Can't reload on horseback
Gen1= 19spd 61shspd 79pierce 94acc
Gen2= 20spd 63shspd 83pierce 95acc
Gen3= 21spd 64shspd 87pierce 96accThe damage ends even with the same number at the masterwork level...
Steel bolts use to be 8 to 10 damage, and now are 8 to 13... You received more damage actually....