If it's really delaying to not bring a melee capable throwing weapon with my shield, that's something I really didn't know. I was under the assumption weapon = weapon (similarly when HX or HA only bring bow + arrows).
If you're 'supposed' to bring melee capable weapon, why not replace fists with a shitty dagger instead of forcing players to waste slots when throwing is already relatively handicapped in that department.
Honestly, at this point, I don't care about the ban anymore. To be honest, I wouldn't have posted the ban thread if Krosis hadn't been so cocky about TKing me, confident he could get off.
Ban him or just close and lock this thread, I don't care the result anymore. It's pointless to keep fighting for something insignificant that happened in a game over 24 hours ago lol
You're not in the wrong to make that link between a thrower with knives and a HA with arrows.
However, when the HA runs out of arrows, he needs to either (quickly, mind you) find a melee weapon and fight with it
or dismount and die.
Looking for additional ammo is not an option for the HA in that situation as he'd be delaying.
If the HA is unable to find a melee weapon after 30 seconds or so, you get to that point where most reasonable people would say "Ah fuck it, this is taking too long. I'll end the round for everyone."
Again, I don't have screenshots and the logs only tell us so much, so I have no idea if you were kiting Rishu for two minutes, if you were kiting and looking for a melee weapon for two minutes or what.
I don't think there's any way for two minutes to pass with that few people on that map without unnecessarily delaying a round.
Krosis was probably pissed off and dealt with it inappropriately, and I don't think either of you are making anything up in your stories.
They're both pretty reasonable, but I think you ran around chatting for waaaay too long and Krosis slashed you for it in the next round.
You've both been around for a long while and neither of you have any annoying running ban records, so I'll take you up on your suggestion to drop the request altogether.
Be respectful of the other players in the round, especially when the population dwindles in the early hours.
Mindfulness would have prevented the ban request entirely.
Screenshot or contact an admin if it's truly necessary. You can find me on Steam or in TS at relatively absurd hours.
I'd be more than happy to hop in game and check something out if anyone needs it.
Teamwounding in spawn isn't the way to go as it will likely get you banned.
Edit: Apologies for coming back to this after the thread has been locked but I do want to clarify this is a
warning to both of you.
Do not teamwound in spawn. Do not delay rounds.