Author Topic: Chumley  (Read 1011 times)

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Offline chumley_

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« on: December 27, 2013, 09:22:20 pm »
when : yesterday
Why: one teamkill because he was trolling us

yesterday behemoth wanted to test out my longsword so i spawned with 2 to give it to him. of course right when i dropped it. giggle mb picked it up and ran. we told him in chat to hand it over but he would not so we retrieved our weapon back the hard way.  i dont see how we would be punished for being trolled. if trolls are supported in this community then At fifteen, I had the will to learn; at thirty, I could stand; at forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding; at sixty, my ears were opened; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the square..  no warning was given to us in game even with the multiple admins on at the time of the incident.  And of course the admin in the same clan as the troll banned us without consulting us.  Me and behemoth have clean records.  This is what happens when the trolls win. fml

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« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 09:32:13 pm by chumley_ »

Offline Artyem

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2013, 09:50:30 pm »
I waited several hours and an entire night before acting, so that you could voice your end of the story.  Now that you've gotten to share your side, let me point out the largest hole in your story.

You claim to have asked him to drop the sword before you attacked him, even though this is pretty clearly untrue.  Nobody said anything to him until he had already been nearly black barred.

Or, if you'd rather see the logs:

(click to show/hide)

In regards to trolling, it looks like you're more guilty of it than he is.  Intentionally teamkilling him and then following it up with "MISCLIK" really doesn't back up your claims.

The ban stays, intentional team-killing and team-wounding are both illegal in every right and will not be tolerated, especially in a situation that could have been otherwise avoided.
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Re: Chumley
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2013, 10:18:32 pm »
I thought it was against the rules for an admin to step in and back up a guy from his own clan??? I thought that had to be handled by other admins??? Am i wrong?

Thought i heard someone say this somewhere

Offline chumley_

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2013, 10:23:09 pm »
1. just shows favoritism a little that you have the pictures which means you chatted with giggles outside of ingame and outside of forums about this. who knows what sort of troll deals you could have made with him considering your in the same clan.
2. he knew why we were hitting him the whole time.  its kind of obvious why a whole clan would be chasing after you after you take a sword off the ground that was being exchanged.  if you truly believe that he didnt know why we were attacking then you need a lifecheck because a troll just mindfucked you.
3.  behemoth fell for the troll which is why he said misclick.  Giggle made it seem like we were the trolls but all he really did was pull us down to his level then beat us with experience.  if you cant realize this then you yourself are also a troll. 

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2013, 10:34:39 pm »
As somebody who knows Applesauce and Artyem both pretty well, I can safely say that Artyem would jump at the chance to ban Apple. You freely admitting to breaking the rules and not seeing a problem with that is the issue. Perhaps in stead of insulting the admin and the victim, you own up to what you did and try to move on from this.

Offline chumley_

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2013, 10:37:42 pm »
yes i teamkilled. but i am a very strong willed person and i believe trolls should not be tolerated at all. i am sorry for the fact of breaking the rules but i am not sorry for the death of that troll.

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2013, 10:42:41 pm »
1. just shows favoritism a little that you have the pictures which means you chatted with giggles outside of ingame and outside of forums about this. who knows what sort of troll deals you could have made with him considering your in the same clan.

Actually, I just went back to the original thread and linked to it from there.

2. he knew why we were hitting him the whole time.  its kind of obvious why a whole clan would be chasing after you after you take a sword off the ground that was being exchanged.  if you truly believe that he didnt know why we were attacking then you need a lifecheck because a troll just mindfucked you.

He's not breaking any rules by taking the sword, and judging by the time stamps I'd say you didn't give him much time to react anyway.  Hey, he even said in the original thread:

5. Why you think the offender did what he did. : I'm assuming the Longsword I picked up off the ground belonged to one of them? I didn't have time to realize why I was being TKed until afterwards. If this was the case a simple "Can I have that back?" would have sufficed.

3.  behemoth fell for the troll which is why he said misclick.  Giggle made it seem like we were the trolls but all he really did was pull us down to his level then beat us with experience.  if you cant realize this then you yourself are also a troll. 

How could he do that when he hardly said anything?  Applesauce should have used "I" chat to report it to any of the admins on the server at the time, but you really should have just asked him to drop the sword. 

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Offline chumley_

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2013, 10:47:44 pm »
well i did ask him and he didnt. it took us like 30 seconds to kill him and he just stood there.  we told him to drop the sword about 5 seconds into us hitting him.  i have been on the internet for about 5 years and i have realized the best weapon of the troll is them acting like they are innocent. ill take this ban but my feelings towards the admin team went from +20 to -100. this goes for every admin. by not doing anything against the trolls you are on the side of the troll.

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2013, 11:46:39 pm »
I'm just going to go ahead and say I don't harbor any grudge towards either of you, nor was it my intention to "troll" you as you've repeatedly said. I simply picked up a weapon shortly after spawning and moved forward without thinking much of it. Then you two began teamwounding me and by the time I had the chance to question why, let alone realize it might have been for the weapon I picked up, I was dead.

And to be fair, I never saw you say to give the sword back in team chat, Arty's log post was the first I saw of that. This is likely due to the fact that I was spamming screenshots, and when I take screens, my screen freezes up for about 3-6 seconds and then plays catch up, thus I may have missed that post. Regardless, next time just ask first, and don't berate someone with TWs. It would've worked out a lot better.
I'm rock, nerf paper, scissors is fine. Welcome to c-RPG.

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2013, 12:52:38 am »
There is a good lesson to be learned here, one i myself have had to learn the hard way

1. know and understand the community you are part of
2. NEVER drop your weapon for a friend unless you are well away from the rest of the group

cuz as soon as you and your friend let everyone else know via chat that you will be dropping your weapon, Plumbo\others are there...waiting to nab it and run...i honestly try not to troll anyone most of the time, but that is just one of those moments i CANNOT resist, especially in DTV

There is just few things funnier in DTV then grabbing some guys weapon, dropping it in front of the bots path...and watching them desperately try to retrieve it :twisted:, ahhh. Good times indeed.

Forgive me, im an asshole sometimes :oops:

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2013, 02:20:36 am »
I thought it was against the rules for an admin to step in and back up a guy from his own clan??? I thought that had to be handled by other admins??? Am i wrong?

Thought i heard someone say this somewhere

Whoever you heard it from was making things up. Any admin stepping up in a clanmate's defense, however, will be doing their best to be impartial or else.

(click to show/hide)

well i did ask him and he didnt. it took us like 30 seconds to kill him and he just stood there.  we told him to drop the sword about 5 seconds into us hitting him.  i have been on the internet for about 5 years and i have realized the best weapon of the troll is them acting like they are innocent. ill take this ban but my feelings towards the admin team went from +20 to -100. this goes for every admin. by not doing anything against the trolls you are on the side of the troll.


yes i teamkilled. but i am a very strong willed person and i believe trolls should not be tolerated at all. i am sorry for the fact of breaking the rules but i am not sorry for the death of that troll.

You seemed to have trolled him, if his side of the story is to be believed (and we tend to listen to people who didn't blatantly break the rules over folks who did), by attacking him before applying reason and fairness to the situation. Maybe he simply follows the same philosophy you do regarding being trolled?

You condescend to berate the entire admin team for one of us applying the rules as intended? You have absolutely zero proof of the allegations you're bringing forth (which seem to me like you're trying to troll AppleSauce with by accusing him of them, after the fact) and you claim discontentment at the fact that we'd be on the side of the guy who got teamkilled for some ridiculous slight that was not even apparent to him at the time?

Posting a valid ban request is not trolling. Even if he was trying to goad you into attacking him so he could post a ban request, grabbing a weapon off the ground is a ridiculously trivial thing to result in immediate, unannounced teamwounding. There's not a good excuse to intentionally teamkill.

Edit: ALSO:

Me and behemoth have clean records.  This is what happens when the trolls win. fml

You are lying. Both of you have one prior ban. Troll.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 02:31:13 am by Canary »

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2013, 02:39:19 am »
Canary just brought the house down!  :twisted:
Lemon Luther King JR, has a dream, where all trolls are treated with fairness and equality. Lemon's want to be able to vote, and ride in the front of the bus, and drink from the same fountain that we do. Please right this inequality

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Re: Chumley
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2013, 10:42:39 pm »
Bunch of Squids fighting over a longsword?