well - what gear do you use stevee?
29,833 gold Cost
2,087 gold Upkeep (max)
Long Bow, 2 x bodkins, Short Arming Sword, Heavy Aketon, Green Arena Helmet, Mail Mittens, Green Hose With Kneecops.
I sometimes earn gold, more often loos it, but most of time it's around 0. I'm running around with this equip all the time.
Solution for Upkeep of archer is simple - make an money earning alt and send gold from it to your archer.
And stop whining about Long Bow, It's a realy good and deadly bow, I'm making lots of kills with it and I'm often in top 5 in a roster by points or kills.
Archers with tiny bows are annoying, but not deadly as same amount of archers with Long Bows.
Even I am able to survive Head Shots from tiny bow archers that are not using bodkins.