Well, we all know maaaany people love to grind (joking)
but grinding is price of heirlooms!
Now we get an option to insta-30 lvl. That DOESN'T really help at balancing things. Why?
Simply: you keep your heirlooms if you do insta 30 lvl. So if one has 30 gen and doesn't want to retire more, he goes for 31+ lvls. If one has let's say 7 gen and HATES grinding now, he goes insta-30 lvl BUT he keeps EVERY heirloom! If one has 2 or less gen and want's to get fun of playing 30 lvl all the time, he has 1 or no heirlooms at all.
OK, we know everyone keeps heirlooms with insta-30 lvl, but why only few are going to do that?
Because it doesn't give enough + as a tradeoff to - like no more heirlooms, only 1 build (unless you delete char and go w/o your OLD stuff and go for new 30lvl build).
So, quickly:
I say devs should change few things:
1st. Fix the bug with retiring after insta-30 lvl, so once you go insta-30 lvl, every next retire gives you insta-30 lvl again.
Now either 2nd, 3rd or both:
2nd. If you go for insta-30lvl, you get 3 spare heirlooming points (used like when there was heirloom respec) BUT you lose all generations (thus all prev heirlooms).
3rd. It is insta-31lvl as a tradeoff to no more heirlooms.
The reason for 2nd is because atm it doesn't give you profit to insta-30lvl atm: if you are low gen, you can't stand with 30+ heirlooms guys and if you are high gen and insta-30lvl you are at much better situation - you have some heirlooms.
The reason for 3rd is because atm it doesn't give you profit to insta-30lvl atm: if you are low gen, you can't stand with 30+ heirlooms guys and if you are high gen it is much better to simply stop retiring and go for 31+ lvl.
Added poll about 2nd, 3rd or both.