Well, as a shielder since beta I would recommend AGI builds (18/24 is optimal imho). You don't need to do any feints, spam or do too much dancing.
Just wait for your enemy to make mistake and kill him with a precise blow. This is also the build which gives a chance to kill any other player in 1 vs 1 engagement.
For weapons - in sieges or town battles (where you must fight in tight formation or in a crowd) use short weapon like warhammer or steel pick or broad axe. Use medium or heavy armor to protect you from teammates (shield will protect you from the enemies).
On open areas elite scimitar is proven to be deadly, even against tincans (thus you must slash them few times). It has incredible speed and tricky animations. Light (up to 15 weight) or ultra light (up to 10) armor is suggested.
Without the speed you won't be able to use higher STR because it would be almost impossible to hit a skilled player in 1 vs 1 with any weapon. Keep in mind, that some ppl here probably do better with blocking than with the fork usage in the real life - so forget about low AGI if you want to kill them.
Other matter are enemy shielders. If you ever meet a guy like kinnrimm (RIP) with ping 10, agi 30, shield 10 and everything +3 you will realize that speed is the key. No matter how strong you are he will block everything you aim at him and stab you in the back while facehugging ya. Even 10 ms ping differences matter.
Also in 1 vs 6 fight speed and shield is your only chance to kill them all or at least few.
Shield 5 or 6 is minimum for sieges (especially if you are defending), for open areas 4 will be enough.
If thinking about strat build - well - if you want frags go 2h or pikemen or cav
Shielders are to protect them.
Ofc any build / weapon is good to kill newbies or peasants.