Author Topic: About raids  (Read 1268 times)

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Re: About raids
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2013, 08:15:12 pm »
Are people still mad about raiding? Cos i've just been reading up on all the threads and it seems to me the problem is not that raiding needs to be changed, but the population system itself is unfair. People complain that they get screwed in a raid with 15 army and over 4000 pop in their castle... well quite right! What sorta real-life mechanic is having huge standing defensive armies that you never have to pay imitating? A castle with 15 soldiers and a civilian population of 4000? No wonder they get fucked xD

If raiding screws you over that much it's probably cos you've been abusing the population system to the point where you rely on it totally. I'd have posted on some of the more over the top 'I Hate Raids' threads but this one seems more current.

I agree but then what is the worth of population?

If you're smart, you raid until all the troops are dead, THEN you siege for real.

This + population being "killed" last (after troops), whenever its a raid or a siege, makes population really not worth it, except to save some gold.
Then the micro management needed to avoid being raided too easily is somewhat nerdy and overpowerful when you got the lord online, and when he isnt you lose a fief. Damn. Tough raid mechanics :P

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Re: About raids
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2013, 12:24:44 am »
True that the population was first there for other reasons ?

AI fiefs protection + tax/trade system of previous strat round ? (if im correct)

Is there a single reason why fiefs need population ? Except to save upkeep (which the lords are responsible to manage so its their own fault if the troops begins to desert...)