This kind of thing shouldn't be happening. Just because it isn't a big deal to some people doesn't make it okay; it is still against the rules.
- No intentional teamwounding/teamkilling during a round (teamkilling friends after a round ends is allowed, teamkilling random people is not)
Notice the part in bold (especially the new addition to the rules in parentheses!)
I am warning you not to do this again, and that warning stands for everyone else who's paying attention. It might have been the other guy's fault that he stepped into your swings, but those swings shouldn't have happened in the first place. The round, technically, was not over.
This is probably the last time you'll get lenience, Silveredge, considering your past history of teamwounding.
1. If there is one guy left you can tk seeing how it happens almost all the time.
If the round has not ended it is against the rules, don't do it. That one guy on the enemy team means the round has not ended.