Author Topic: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...  (Read 996 times)

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tl;dr :  lots of nerfs in the last two years, no buffs, newest nerf looks like it could be removal of jump-throw. i suggest giving pure/main throwers (but not shield hybrids) less running speed/accuracy penalties so that we can remain decent skirmishers.

On EU 1, now if you try to throw while jumping, your character does this weird little warp that screws everything up. It looks like jump-throwing is being effectively disabled. A lot of changes that start in EU servers eventually work their way out into the other servers, which is unfortunate for NA players since our tastes differ markedly.

I could understand if this only applied to hybrid throwers who have their shields out too, but why do this to pure/main throwers who have no protection except their manoeuvres? The hit detection for throwing weapons is already really buggy (another nerf) especially for polearms like spears and jarids and lances, and we just recently got the nudge-interrupt nerf too.

Taken together, all these nerfs mean main-throwers have to pull increasingly farther back from the fighting and remain stationary for better damage. Bows and crossbows beat us in range, rate of fire, accuracy and overall damage, so basically - without any buffs to give throwing weapons more of an edge - what happens is throwing gets reduced to being a way for meleers to do a little extra damage before engaging. It's nothing but a weak accessory. That's exactly what hybrids want it to be, and for how they play I agree that makes sense. But for those who invest more heavily in throwing skills, the game already presents so many difficulties that this extra nerf, if it becomes the rule for all CRPG, would bring those kinds of throwing builds one giant leap closer to breaking.

Why do main/pure throwers have to suffer the same penalties as hybrid throwers? Shouldn't the extra stats we devote to the build alleviate those sorts of things?

I don't think that throwing should be an ammo-based form of unblockable melee. But taking away jump-throwing is just nonsensical. Here are some buffs that would help even things out.

Throwers are skirmishers.
Have you ever watched them throwing javelins at the Olympic games, or footage of African warriors? They take off running and right before releasing, they hop. A big part of throwing is speed, and jumping:rolleyes:
So, decrease the speed penalties to running when a throwing weapon is being wielded, and also when it's primed to release. Obviously the latter will still be somewhat slower than the former.
Secondly, decrease the aiming reticule penalty for running and for jumping, bringing both closer to the size of it when standing.
Neither buff need apply to hybrid throwers who have their shields out, since speed and distance are less of an issue.

Go ahead and leave it so that it takes three throwing lances and 10 PT to kill one plate crutcher with ironflesh.  :| But please let us have the speed and accuracy to at least make the little ammo we have count for something in the course of a match.

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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2013, 09:23:38 pm »

Have you ever watched them throwing javelins at the Olympic games, or footage of African warriors? They take off running and right before releasing, they hop.

Lmao. No , they don't hop  :mrgreen:. They , depending on what they throw , either spin or run to gain the momentum, and as they release the "weapon", the inertia force makes the athletes lift off the ground a little bit or fall down since they have to do a full stop and use their whole body to make the throw. Jumping in itself would not make you throw better. :)

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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 09:25:33 pm »
Well, in crpg jump-throws are an essential part of the gameplay.

When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 10:01:23 pm »
Lmao. No , they don't hop  :mrgreen:. They , depending on what they throw , either spin or run to gain the momentum, and as they release the "weapon", the inertia force makes the athletes lift off the ground a little bit or fall down since they have to do a full stop and use their whole body to make the throw. Jumping in itself would not make you throw better. :)

that's an interesting perspective on a tertiary issue

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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 10:13:31 pm »
Lmao. No , they don't hop  :mrgreen:. They , depending on what they throw , either spin or run to gain the momentum, and as they release the "weapon", the inertia force makes the athletes lift off the ground a little bit or fall down since they have to do a full stop and use their whole body to make the throw. Jumping in itself would not make you throw better. :)

They actually do sort of hop.  Common form includes running, crossover leg hop, throw, then what you are talking about.
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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2013, 10:29:05 pm »
I almost need jumpthrowing when peppering the enemies in front of our infblob in tight corridors/on walls etc. Yet being able to do that kinda feels cheap because I'm protected by a wall of allies but I still can hit the enemy alright.

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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2013, 05:19:17 am »
Yet being able to do that kinda feels cheap because I'm protected by a wall of allies but I still can hit the enemy alright.

Don't let it concern you. Piking through a teammates body is allowed and encouraged. Best to do it through a 13 skill shielder. Jumping up so you can throw over a teammate without hitting them shouldn't make you feel bad at all.
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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2013, 05:27:04 am »
Don't let it concern you. Piking through a teammates body is allowed and encouraged. Best to do it through a 13 skill shielder. Jumping up so you can throw over a teammate without hitting them shouldn't make you feel bad at all.
piking through a teammate is almost impossible. he will move too much and you can hit him. however, you can stab AROUND a teammate. pikers are forced to do these things because there is no other option.
dont you think its kinda stupid that you cant stab through a shieldwall with your spear? thats perfectly normal but impossible in this game


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Re: More throwing nerfs?! What's really needed are these two tiny buffs...
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2013, 10:00:51 pm »
I don't think jump-throwing should be removed from throwers' arsenal. Throwing is a close-ranged attack, as far as ranged goes. You will often have teamates right in front of you. You can't find a tower far away and fire down from there like an archer or crossbower. The links and discussion have shown that running and/or jumping before throwing are valid "real" tactics.

Throwing is not at all OP and does not need a nerf. It is barely viable as a main build, and is a less powerful hybrid choice than using a crossbow. Taking points in throwing cripples your ability to participate in strategus battles - hardly anyone carries throwing weapons, and will pass you over for recruitment to accept almost any other character.
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