With the advent of WSE I gave recording gameplay another shot. I installed PlayClaw 3 and the results are much better, being able to record watchable footage, a lolspear video would fare well by 60 fps though instead of 30. With my PC specs in the OP, does anyone happen to have any advice on settings inside the program for maximizing performance? If its necessary I'll look up my harddrive specs, I have only one harddrive.
For example:
Prerecording and prerecording buffer size, is that any use?
Compression threads, is that the number of cpu cores used for compression? With a quad core and Warband running what should this number be?
Should I get PlayClaw 4?
My usual ingame fps is 123, should I change that to my recording fps or does it change automatically?
Which encoder and encoder quality?
Should I lock fps?
Then the issue of one harddrive with 2 partitions, should I install PlayClaw and record to a different partition or is it no use?
Or if you have tried different recording programs and are sure one of em is the best, please do tell. Feel free to also add recommended settings.