I love this on another level. And I'll tell you guys why.
What you guys aren't seeing is how big of a buff this is to shieldwalls on siege defense.
And I mean seriously, it's amazing. They weren't viable before, to now actually being not just viable, but a potentially smart thing to do.
Three huscarl shielders (me and two others) blocked a small(but super important) chokepoint completely. With bonus to shields so they won't break hardly, + nobody moves forward or back = they come in, try to kick us and BAM kickchamber --> kill them on the ground.
Put some pikes behind it that can thrust forever since the
shielders don't move, archers shooting between the shields?
What's even BETTER? You're all next to each other, so you SWIM in points. Dat valor. Now, all you guys have to do, is some super simple discipline of NOT moving as a shielder and blocking chokepoints together.
I can't wait, I hope this catches on and sudden, violent coordinated teamwork breaks out. You only need like three people in the first place, should be simple eh?
YOu see, you couldn't do this before because kicks would break these chokepoint holds. But now there is a skillful counter to kicks, that as an observant player with a bit of practice can easily do when standing sitll. WHich they will be.
this adds a huge layer to depth and strategy in tons of places and you guys completely missed it.
As for dueling, suddenly stop moving and bait them to kick you since you stand still, SUPER easy and predictable kick chamber, and murder them.
Vibe your signature is amazing