I feel like a total tool and a douche for making another ban request but It was my second map and I was being trolled by Carac and it really bugged me. He kicked me right in the face as I was running from an enemy so he could kill me which yes would be funny but I didn't take it that well at that time. He TK another teamate later. Killed himself while on defense. Then just left I guess he was done for the night and wanted to get a few laughs before leaving. I'm not trying to get the last laugh he just picked a bad time to grief people.
Him kicking me into the enemy, it's the log but the timing is too close to be anything else. You also see it's 5/5 so he has been a bad boy a few times this map.
Carac out right killing a teamates, such a team player (might have been to be a true tk or accident not sure but no apology)
Jumping off the wall and killing himself, his sad body collapsing alone in the snow
Then he said goodnight and got off. To avoid any admins or boots? or because he was being a night time troll before bed? Up to you to decide
Carac I understand you were having some fun before getting off and while playing but sometimes your fun comes at the expense of others. If one other person doesn't share your humor at that time you could get into big trouble. If you apologize I'll retract from this you killing me cause I can see how it was funny. But the rest of it was you being a leecher or a troll so apologize to the admin who looks at this.