Change equipment on 3x. Use a cheaper set of gear consisting of leathers or mail and your heirlooms, then a complete set of your heaviest on a 3x.
Also, a tip for you from a moneysaving maniac. The BEST equipment cost to team contribution ratio is at 15-20k. Don't be those a-holes that walk around in a shirt and a wooden sword because they are poor. Use mail or strong leathers, the byrnie is a VERY good cost effective armor.
I personally use 18700ish equipment cost gear. It's all made to be cost effective and using cheaper things where I can get away with it. However, I still contribute and regularly top the charts. Because my main set of gear and heirlooms are so cheap, I never switch equipment. However if you play with higher tier stuff (500+ repairs), then use cheap mail or leathers at 1-2x and switch to your heaviest equipment and weapons at a 3-5x.
Also, I've been asked this before and here is the same answer.
Player: How do you make money if you plan to play cavalry?
Me: If you plan to cav, you cannot plan to make money.
(Yes, you can if u use shit leather and a rouncey, but GL unless you are Tommyhu or Huey)