1. Loading icon
You know the typical mouse pointer which comes when your PC is doing stuff.
It is unfortunate when you are in midfight and this loading icon pops up, as then the block you are holding is opened and the focus seems to be not ingame anymore till the loading icon is gone.
I got 4 gig ram and haven't many backround programs running which are doing anything.
I disabled most processes of what are at OS-start automaticly started.
2. Server List at first always without eu1 and eu3
Before you can choose a server, the list is searching for available servers.
And it is always the same process, it is showing like 10-20 servers, still notifying me that there are around 600-620 servers to be searched but then it stops. I always have to refresh at least once sometimes up to 4 times till eu1/eu3 shows in the list.
This is independently of restrictions to the search you can configure.
3. Specially defined mouse button
I got a Logitech wireless mouse. Works great(!) in the most cases. Sometimes though the control defined for my thumb isn't working the way it should. Then i either start the game new, sometimes helps or i start the windows new ... noob user way to do things i know.
The software of the mouse is always loaded, the configuration there doesn't change and out of game it works always as it should, but ingame it switches to block instead of the defined command. When i then go into the controls menu, the thumb mouse button doesn't respond at all.
I have never been good at system administration and i am lost here. Any help, suggestions, hints tips would be most appreciated!