There is a huge difference between ad-blockers, those that just hide ads and those that actually block them from loading, the latter will actually hurt the website.
Furthermore actual clicks on the ads are way better than plain traffic on the website and yeah, everyone will go "I never click on those anyway" and I'll not argue that but you sure won't ever be interested in anything shown when you can't see it.
This is also not about c-rpg itself but the overall attitude and how a lot of people just ignore the consequences in the long run.
I don't even wanna convince anyone to stop using ad-blockers, just consider unblocking websites you trust for that warm and fuzzy feeling of being helpful in return for the stuff you get from them.
Lol didn't see the close button
thx and is i true that if you donate there won't be advertisement on the site?
Yes, the ads will be gone after you donated for the first time, this only goes for the main char though.
Not sure that's intended or not.