That's fine, he's just saying throwing compliments 1h/shield really well because you can throwing with your shield in the other hand, and a weapon like a heavy throwing axe is a pretty solid melee weapon too (so grab a sword/hammer/pick as main, and use heavy axe alternate mode for a shield breaker weapon).
For our clan, most of our 2h/pole guys dont pickup throwing because we want them to be using support weapons like great maul and long spear when we're in formation together, so throwing does not mesh with those weapons.
But for a guy playing more of a solo 2h, a 1 slot like a mace/langes messer + throwing build would work very well (you can also do a polearm build, using throwing lances as melee weap, they are very decent in melee mode). You'd be giving yourself a lot of tactical versatility with 3 stacks of axes or jarids, gunning down archers, runners, or softening up tough fighters as they close, and add to that throwing is hella fun too (unlike xbow in my experience, which is boring as fuck).