Author Topic: plz give 24hr bans to spookplanet and PK_incrediblyskillful for abusing polls  (Read 3696 times)

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Offline BashirKhan

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I know this has already been settled and all but if i may offer any sort of advise it is this: If he is kicked for playing his class this often then yes something must be done. There is really only one way to ensure that it stops and that is to turn off polls, Because lets face it, Roh will probably be kicked by another poll (which if this many people do dislike him he probably will) and he will make another ban post, and it will work because These Are The Server Rules. Personel beliefs on right wrong, couragous or cowardly simply do not belong here. Until they do fix this problem it will continue to happen and people will continue to break this server rule and poll kick, and then get banned for it.

Offline Muki

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Polling people who are still engaging the enemy is abuse.  12 hour bans for all.

When will people learn?  No one gives a shit what you think about other people's playstyles, just uninstall the game if you really can't stand to have a horse xbowman cause a round to go 20 seconds longer then your ADD raddled brain wishes it would.  Kick and ban polls are supposed to be there for people teamkilling or auto walking into walls or hiding somewhere in the corner of the map where enemies can't find them, all against the rules.  Playing a high agility, unconventional class that ends up being alive longer then most others.. Deal With It.

Locking this Thread seems Smooth already answer it
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As a volunteer admin I clearly have no life and live only to eradicate all fun and enjoyment from the game. Your tears of rage are all the payment I need.
Yes I drew most of my avatars