I was in a clan where pretty much everyone used steam chat/in-game chat... even for scrims (with the exception of myself and a few others). It is incredibly distracting having a typing conversation going on which requires half your attention while you play. Push-to-talk is really useful for maintaining your ability to play.
If it's a confidence thing there really must be a clan out there that can make you feel welcome, I'm sure. If you have a speaking disability maybe try to explain that to a clan, they might still understand. If it's so severe you can't talk, then like Phantom said, even listening in on the channel is useful for coordination (more so than matching gear ).
It's just more of a distracting type of thing honestly. In the past sitting in vents/ts for this game in normal siege/battle games, I've found that roughly 80% of the chit chat on voice chats have absolutely nothing to do with battle coordination, current plans and I wouldn't want to be in a faction again where people expected me to sit in there and listen to it all every time I jump in to play a little siege.
I completely understand how, when used correctly TS/Vent is an mandatory tool for a faction trying to coordinate tactics and such I'm just not really on this level of playing yet. Besides as soon as I put on a headset I just end up saying "BULLSHIT!" or "FUCKING BULLSHIT!" just about every other time i get killed. :3
and my headset that was held together with duct tape finnally broke in half completely so only 1 hear peices works
I have my reasons!