Author Topic: Editor crashing when adding new props / elevating ground  (Read 1006 times)

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Offline Deathwhisper

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Editor crashing when adding new props / elevating ground
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:40:20 am »
I get crashes very regularly when trying to add new scene props (but never when moving already existing props) or when elevating ground. Lowering my settings and forcing single threading doesn't change anything.

Could it be related to the amount of props in my scene? There are a lot, and the game doesn't crash anymore if I delete all of them. If that was the case, would there be a way to fix this issue (without removing half the props, obviously)? Am I the only one who experienced this?

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Re: Editor crashing when adding new props / elevating ground
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 02:16:17 am »
Can you get us a picture of your map, so we can see if there really is way too much props placed.

Have you tried to start your map by using blank_1-200? Does your pc crash then? What kind of pc you are running?

Offline Deathwhisper

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Re: Editor crashing when adding new props / elevating ground
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 03:04:09 am »
Can you get us a picture of your map, so we can see if there really is way too much props placed.

Have you tried to start your map by using blank_1-200? Does your pc crash then? What kind of pc you are running?

(click to show/hide)

So there are indeed a lot of props (there's also an underground dungeon which obviously can't be seen on the screenshot), but I'd like to add the game started crashing from time to time when the map was still rather small (about 1/10 of what it is now, when the central keep was only partially done). It didn't happen often back then, so it didn't bother me much. But right now it's just unbearable (I must save every 20 sec if I want to make any progress).

I've been using Kong's easy multiplayer scenes and have used some graphical packs (cinematic compilation) and added a few props, but crashes started before I added them so they can't be the cause.
I've tried using a blank scene as you suggested, but sadly I still get the crashes.

It doesn't come from my PC either, it's powerful enough to run 1000 battlesizer battles with resource heavy mods like PoP or Floris. I've also had these crashes on 2 other PCs.

I fear it might come from a corrupted sco file or another bad thing... Here's a download link anyway if anyone would like to test (there will be 2-3 missing props since I've been using some that aren't included in cRPG) : (txt) (sco)

To make the game crash click on add an objet, then select something (like an arabian wall) and move it around (don't make it spawn). Try elevating ground too, it will almost certainly crash rather fast.

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Editor crashing when adding new props / elevating ground
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 05:22:01 am »
no offense deathwhisper, but that is rather large for siege or any other gamemode.

also, that is a LOT of props, and some are being stretched a lot etc....might be causing issues.
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Offline Deathwhisper

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Re: Editor crashing when adding new props / elevating ground
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 12:54:32 pm »
no offense deathwhisper, but that is rather large for siege or any other gamemode.

also, that is a LOT of props, and some are being stretched a lot etc....might be causing issues.

Yes, I know, I first intended to release it for single player but thanks to Ozin's custom round time it could be made playable for MP (with a lot of players obviously). I'd of course remove all the useless parts (like the village in the 3rd screen) and most details (like banners, torches) in order to favour FPS.

When editing maps of similar size like these ones

(click to show/hide)

I don't get any issue, so I fear a corrupted SCO file may be the cause (especially since, as I said earlier, the crashes started when the map was still rather small). If that was the case, would there be a way to fix it?

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Re: Editor crashing when adding new props / elevating ground
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2012, 12:58:52 pm »
The amount of scene props and size will make the editor crash, after a while (of course affected by your computer and it's hardware).

It usually only effects in Edit mode, so actually playing the map is usually fine. But, if it crashes, you have too much stuff on the scene and people with poor computers will suffer FPS lag (so you'd still have to edit it).