Server EU1. The round starts, I see my friend Carter, and I'm giving him a punch or two (he is heavily armoured) as greetings, when this player starts swinging his flamberge at me. I punch him a couple of times, and then he just keeps hitting me until he eventually tks me, without a single word.
Next round, I try to communicate with him, but with no results. So I punch him a couple of times and - here we go! - he attacks me and leaves me with 1% hp.
I used to swing back when I was teamhit in the past, but, since this is forbidden now, and I'm also fed up with griefers, I've decided to report him in the hopes of him being punished, since he ruined 2 rounds of my playtime.
Here's a picture of the tk, and two of him attacking me the next round: