While this isnt strictly a bug, i thought this was probably the most appropriate place to ask. For the past 3 months i've been playing on a laptop in the USA on the NA servers, my ping has been around 25-30 most of the time and the game ran perfectly.
I recently came home to the UK to vastly inferior internet (1mb, around 60-90 ping
) and now I have a problem whereby it seems animation dont always run. For example, when feinting, the feint itself registers but it only shows the last 1/4 second or so of the animation. Also, when blocking, the animation doesnt always switch to the correct block direction as quickly as it should/did. This is incredibly annoying and makes it near impossible to go 1 on 1 with anyone with a tiny amount of skill since im never really sure whether my actions are actually happening in game or whether they are simply not showing.
I assume this issue is simply down to lag but my question is - Is there anything that i can do to solve this issue aside from move somewhere i can get better internets? Also, does anyone else have this issue and is it widespread?