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Messages - Endruux

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Latest version download
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:40:26 pm »
I did nothing, and it's working again. strange. Anyway I missed 2x exp :D

Announcements / Re: Latest version download
« on: January 06, 2013, 08:53:09 pm »
The same, despite that it worked few hours ago.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Single Person DTV
« on: December 20, 2012, 06:48:40 pm »
If it was bannable, each person who ever took part in tk virgin is gonna to have a bad time :D and almost everybody did :). Apart of this i made then a poll. It was 100% accepted :P.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Single Person DTV
« on: December 19, 2012, 08:52:50 pm »
Sth strange occured to me a second ago: I was playing DTV at HRE server and become the only player on server. I decided to change the map. What suprised me, after tking virgin I got exp and gold, and, only one bot spawned. Next round started with a text message: Last round, and again, only one bot spawning: Weren, the boss. After killing him, next round, also with one boss only: Varric. I made it to Sea riders and fell to Serfonz and Leiknir. It was repeated several times. I was playing 15 lvl. char, after lost I changed to my 27 lvl archer, but then bots started to spawn normally, in 3 waves, then someone joined. If it's planed it's nice feature :D

P.S. it's a nice way to gain exp: 40 sec to wait till spawn and kill one bot, 5.5k for peasants up to 12k. for weabos

Scene Editing / Re: Remove certain DTV maps
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:45:15 am »
Suprise: bump!

Scene Editing / Re: Remove certain DTV maps
« on: September 30, 2012, 11:48:12 am »
Yeah, DTVillage  was really enjoyable but it needed very refined maps to work, with zero glitching points, where players could be safe from bots. And it was a lot more difficult, don't even remeber defeating tincans there :D

Sell/Trade / well Made Arbalest
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:28:32 am »
Well Made Arbalest for:
or 1 loom point
or +1 light kuyak
or +1 heavy round shield
or +1 great long bardiche

Guides / Re: Crossbowery: basics and tricks
« on: June 06, 2012, 08:41:33 pm »
Is there any mod that makes FLYING bolt more visible? Cause i often shoot and lost my bolt flying and can't take a correct on aim.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Jump Kick and Shield Bash
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:51:54 pm »
your foot in cloth shoes just kicked my helmet made out of steel. Not only should i not fall down, Your foot should break.

Also go find one instance of people in mail, or plate where they are jumping around kicking shit.
In that case you shouldn't be able to jump and swing an incredibly heavy weapon while wearing plate.

Jump kicking could be limited to  lighter armor, which would be more realistic and ideal for ninjas. Also, the ability to knock someone down could be excluded, or limited only to those with lighter helmets.

I couldn't stop myself commenting those two post with that:

Greetings from Poland ;P

cRPG Technical problems / Re: New patch killed my crpg...
« on: November 30, 2011, 04:33:03 pm »
I had same problem, but solved now. Just launched again CRPGlauncher. Despite that it didn't changed any files (repair options), now CRPG load with no problems.
Hope it works for you.

Small update: it works only for one game launch :D. If you want to startt gain again you need to repair game once more. Please somebody fix it, thats take a minute longer to launch game but it's annoying.

Guides / Re: DTV - How to not be powned by peasants
« on: November 16, 2011, 04:11:43 pm »
heh, if you charge peasants and kill the last wave on spawn you can get even 6k exp from them;)

Sorry for not developing that thread but this guide was written in the spur of the moment when some idiots annoyed me:D

General Discussion / Re: Please bring back Defend the Village
« on: October 10, 2011, 08:04:45 pm »
For me both this game mods are quite similiar. In both your perfect tactic can be fucked by some noobs (rememeber that fuckers going upstairs in village and luring enemies onto your heads?). In both having very good team is only way to win. Advantage of DTVirgin is variety of maps, not all good to play, but most are. After half year playing DTVillage all the time on the same map I was little... bored? :D DTVirgin is also easier in my opinion (tactic! look on the guide)

Guides / DTV - How to not be powned by peasants
« on: October 03, 2011, 12:16:45 am »
DTV - a game mode where all human players are gathered in one team against bots. Their aim is to kill all the bots before they
reach and rape a Innocent Virgin (or they kill all players). All bots have incredibly high strength and agility, so they are quick
and deal high damage. Gameplay consists of Rounds.

Each round consist of 3 waves of enemies, each one harder (more & tougher enemies).
After each round you will get some gold and exp.
Important: if you want to make gold/exp you are playing bad game mode; go siege or battle server. Here you can only give vent to pent-up frustration ;)
 Amount of received gold depends on:

1) Type of wave. For Beating peasants you can get 2.000 - 3.000 xp and 100 - 300 gold. For beating Tincans you can get even
15.000 - 20.0000 exp.
2) Time. The faster you finish the round, the more will you get.
3) Victory. If you loose round you will get half of your pay off.
4) Generation.

If you have a good it is much more rewarding than trying to get 5x in battle.

There is a few types of enemies:

(click to show/hide)
Peasant - just a guy in shirt with hatchets, scythes,stones, sickle or maces. Easy to kill 1 vs. 1 but Nec hercules contra
, if you will be suprised by more of them, you will die surrounded and spamed to death. Some of them are using
hammers, beware of being strike to the ground..
Staffman - higher version of peasant, he have a staff and crossbow.
Staffmaster - crossbowman with a quarter staff. He is not most accuratly enemy, but sometmes he can kill you with a
Weren (BOSS) - Quick peasant with a staff.

(click to show/hide)
Bandit - they are using very variated types of weapons. Some of them are using mauls, 2h axes, falchions, hide covered
shields, long spiked clubs, daggers, javelins and bows (especially last wave)
Varric (BOSS) fast guy with a mallet

(click to show/hide)
Nomad - In first wave mostly infantry with maces, sabres and shields, in 2nd and 3rd wave cavalry (lancers and horse archers
on steppe horses). You must watch their couched lances. Beware, they are cavalry and few of them can assasinate virgin.
Sikh (BOSS) - a cavalrywoman with sabre and cavlary shield. Nothing speciall.

(click to show/hide)
There are three types of them:
Black: Light armored, with wakizashi.
Grey: Medium aromor and katana
Red: Heavy aromor and no-dachi
All of them are using shurikens, but deal veary low demage with it.
Weakest boss, he is using only his fists.

Nords - heavy infantry with shields, 1h axes, 2h axes and throwings. Archers in 2nd and 3rd round. From this point gameplay
becomes interesting. They are nicely armored.
Serfonz (BOSS) - fast guy in robe with flamberg. Easy to kill.

Rohirric scouts - guests from middlearth. Carrying medium armor, bows and grossers messers.
Rohirric - Infantry with axes and shields
Rohirric knights - Armored cavalry (on rounceys) with 1h axes 2h axes and lances. Some of them are buggged and cannot use
their 2h axes because they are on horses.
Espu (BOSS) - medium armored woman with a 2 hander. Watch her.

Vitez: Wearing Rus and Druzihna lamellar armors. Using Bastard swords, bardiches and heater shields. Watch their
xbowmans, they can easily kill you with a headshoot.

Engineer: Heavy armoured (Surcoats and kettle hats) infantry using blunt weapons and shields. Good Xbowmans. 2nd and 3rd
round Infantry with shields, coat of plates, face plates and warhammers.

(click to show/hide)
Sexy: Heavy armored infantry(Heraldic Tabards) using great bardiches, 1h swords and huscarl shields. Watch their xbowmans. in 3rd wave heavy armored (Transitional armor) infantry with Long bardiches.
cmpxchg8b(BOSS) - normally armored sexy, a little higher stats.

Tincan: Imagine a guy in full millanese or gothicc plate, salet and wielding 2h swords or longbows. Yes, he is a tincan, and you
have to defeat 3 waves of them. But don't worry, if you survived until this moment you probably have a good team and perfect
Guard of chadz: A guy that is wearing full black armor and wieldnig great mauls (watch for strike down and crusthrough).
3d wave of the finall round: you will face all previous bosses, tincans and guard of chadz. And chadz himself.

After your victory map will change. It will change also after few (around 5) defeats.

It's all about Theory, now let's learn some


Main rules:

Remember - you are not a hero, you are part of the Team.
Always try to help your teammates. Take hits on your shield, support him with your hits or arrows. In this mode wins team, not
a player.

Do not charge.
If you will charge alone, you will die in most casses. I know only a few players who can stand alone a wave of bots. Bots are
quick (will surround you) and strong. (Except peasants, eventually bandits if you have strong team.)

Guard a virgin.
If she will be raped we loose. There is always good to see one or two playes staying at her all the time.

Do not die. Seriously.
No comments.


There are 3 most succesfull tactics:

Defend the roofs.
(click to show/hide)
Archers staying on roofs shooting to enemies, infantry staying back luring and killing enemies one by one. Or waiting until
archers will decimate bots.

Defend the fence:
Infantry staying behind closed fence, killing hostile infantry with polearms (or other long weapon) through holes in fence.
Archers shooting from distance (could be roofs, or inside od the fence)

Defend the barn:
(click to show/hide)
Characteristic 2 leveled building. if it is low enough to jump at the first stage use it. Bots won't reach you if you will be carefull.
Polearms and bows strongly recomended.
Maps: Aldelen

Defend the door
One very good shielder blocks door and attract bots, polaxes and 2h behind him making bloodbath. Rest of team waiting & counterattack. It was working very good in old dtv.

Defend the hill
(click to show/hide)
When ther is no spot light below, you can use terrain to defence: infantry and cavalry slows down giving time to archers. They also a little spread out so it is easier to kill them in melee.

All of these tactics works if:

These buildings are standing on the path from enemy spawn to virgin. Only then they will stop at them.
There is no idiot who charged and lure bots straight to virgin.

A few tips:

A good addition to fighters on that buildings is infantry guarding the virgin. They could lure enemies out one by one and kill

On few maps bots could stuck. It have neagtive and positive sides. Positive: they are waiting there untill you will kill them.
Negative: if he will stuck at their spawn and he is last of wave, you will die when next wave appears after his death. Don't be full
then, in that situation call archers.

If you are archer you can take with you no melee weapon, but then stay somwhere wher yo don't have to fight bots in melee(for
ex. roofs) If you have only one quiver of arrows wait until enemy get close and try for a headshoots.

You are fighting against bots, it's easy to loose in 1 vs.1. They are blocking only stabs, so hit them from below or from sides. If
they are shielders hit the shield, than, when he wants to hit you, strike again. Easy.

Try to take with you some longer weapon, even if you specialize in 1h (for tactics below)

Ladders and contructions sites don't work in DTV.

If you have to afk for a few minutes, just tell other players, and stand in place where bots can't kill you.

Thx for reading it, I hope to meet you in DTV. Special thanks for Order of the Virgin and many others good DTV players.
If you have any changes sugestions, tell me, please. I will complement this post for a screens, map names, and few details

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