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Messages - Shinvega

Pages: [1]
those specs actually seem pretty fun but how much dmg are you gonna be able to do with that low amount of Str?

What is considered medium armor? Like a Brigandine?

interesting Imma have to look into that armor. thank you for all the responses!

Awesome what about armor suggestions?

Level 31 (8 892 403 xp)

    Strength: 15
    Agility: 24
    Hit points: 60

    Skills to attributes: 6

    Ironflesh: 5
    Power Strike: 5
    Shield: 0
    Athletics: 8
    Riding: 0
    Horse Archery: 0
    Power Draw: 0
    Power Throw: 0
    Weapon Master: 8

    One Handed: 1
    Two Handed: 174
    Polearm: 1
    Archery: 1
    Crossbow: 1
    Throwing: 1

Weapon: Prolly gonna roll Katana or a Miao dao

Should this be pretty good or should I put a lil more strength into my build?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Kinda torn between two polearms
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:27:38 pm »
awesome responses guys thank you!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Kinda torn between two polearms
« on: June 09, 2011, 06:31:09 pm »
Newb question but a serious one so please dont flame me lol.

Ok so I hit lvl 30 yesterday and I've been playin with an elegant poleaxe but I feel pretty slow and my swings are pretty blockable. I do pretty well for myself but I was wondering. Would I be better to get a Bec (I know everyone has them and no im not tryin to be like Goretooth) or stay with my poleaxe. So ultimately my question is does the build below do better justice with the poleaxe or with a bec? If not what kinda build should I be looking at if I do go with a bec?

My build is:

Strength 24 
Agility 15

Polearm 146

Iron Flesh 0
Power Strike 8 
Athletics 5
Riding 5 
Weapon Master 5 

Like I said I'm still fairly new to the game and any suggestions and advice would be much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance!


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