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Messages - Larry

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Diplomacy / Re: Brotherhood vs Despotate War
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:22:54 am »
It kind of has, half the people that said they "quit" have been showing for our battles.  My plan worked like every strat.  Piss off the kiddies on the forums and they become motivated to fight you.  Only true way to save strat.

More like half-ass it in a battle for shits'n gigs and slam your asshole in while being out merc'd the entire time and out-geared half the battle.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 08:07:25 pm »
In the Age of Ancients, Calradia was unformed, shrouded by fog. A land of grey crags, arch-trees and everlasting trade simulator. Then there was Kesh, and with Kesh came Disparity. Victory and loss, life and death, and of course... EU and NA.

From the servers they came and found the art of bitchery within the forum. Kinngrimm, First amongst backstabbers; Canary and her daughters of Chaos; Hetman, the Lord of Grey, with his faithful multiaccounts; And the furtive njames, so easily forgotten.

With the Strength of Spergs, they challenged the trade simulation. Hetman's mighty accounts peeled apart their straw hats. The forum warriors weaved great shitstorms. Kinngrimm unleashed a miasma of betrayal and butthurt. Arrowaine the spineless betrayed his own and the carebear traders were no more. Thus began the Age of Strategus...

But soon, the servers will fade and only forum will remain. Even now, there are only embers and man sees not daytime, but only endless nights (and rain and fog). Amongst the living are seen carriers of the accursed Acre banner.

See, this guy's got the right idea. This is an RP topic people. Also, HELP MY TEXT IS TRAPPED IN THE QUOTE.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:38:40 pm »
I guess your memory is a little foggy of the whole situation. You show symptoms of being triggered by PTSD. I know the signs brother.

Sorry to disappoint but Arty wasn't handling shit. I just saw the video last night and was not at all surprised Arty was involved in all this, on the wrong side I might add. I understand if you have personal feelings involved but you should step back and look at this matter impartial and unemotional.

He muted the first two people who started that. I was in the TS at the time, and he was actively discouraging people (myself as well) from saying stupid shit. The person that for some reason vaguely sounds like him in that video encouraging people is not Artyem, but that guy named Chicken.

From what I can tell Artyem gave up on the whole thing after desire started handing out month+ bans for people saying a bad word, and he only said the word when someone asked what word was getting everyone banned. Which, while purposeful, was also just answering a question.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:26:35 pm »
Which admin exactly? I assume we were all at the same Strat battle yes? I assume we all read the same chat, we all saw the same Tristan's video. So which admin exactly was handling any situation besides Desire? You mean the one's joining in the bandwagon? or the one's that were trying to handle it afterwards?

I mean arty, who had started by muting people who were saying it, before Desire hijacked the whole thing and turned it into a massive debacle, and then went back and retroactively banned 11 more people for saying the word. Seriously, if people saying words is against the rules, stop them from saying words with a mute, and if they dodge the mute, ban them for mute dodging. It's that friggin' simple.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:00:57 pm »
Really uncreative weak trolling and racists insults - boring and not fun.  Sorry I don't share your stupidity that finds humor is being racist assholes and then crying that people don't approve.

I'd go into detail about how incredibly dumb you are to think that's the only reason for this whole ordeal, but if literally dozens of people drilling common sense can't get through your thick skull I'm positive that one more surely won't.

That having been said, I'm now going to sit here and explain to you how stupid you are, while you continue to ignore me and call me racist as some form of catch-all.

Now, the whole tirade of untargeted "mean words" let us call them started because desire started threatening to ban people for longer and longer times, when an admin was already handling the situation, I myself was initially banned for 90 days because I said a "bad word". Now, it is fairly obvious that the original bans were intended to actually be that long. However, Desire, realizing her own mental suppression, no doubt when confronted by others with the same or more admin power than her, decided that these ban times were "Obviously" just a bluff (even as they had already happened), and proceeded to reduce those ban times to one week. Then, when everyone expressed how immensely flabbergasting it was to ban someone for even a week, for saying a word, it was reduced to two days.

The point is not that we were defending racism, we were simply perplexed that a problem, in chat, could not be resolved with mutes, rather than 90 day bans. Especially when, what you call racism, was merely a word being said completely out of any context, with nobody actually being the target of it. Except for the one guy that actually called someone said word and told them to go kill themselves, and he didn't even get a ban.

Please stop hijacking our roleplaying thread. It's very serious, you see. Also your talk of melodrama is spreading melodrama, how dare you sir. How very gosh darn dang you.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 05:21:37 pm »
So all this forum melodrama just for attention.  You don't quit, you cry for 32 pages on the forum and you don't actually quit, still post on forums, still fight in battles, and still move on strat.  Honestly, our peasant gear lost last night didn't matter against your heavily armed army, but showing your hypocrisy fully worth it!  Enjoy the practice shields, while we enjoy your fiefs. :)

BRAVO - great troll!  Though kind of sad in a pitiful sort of way.

... Melodrama? Man, nothing can be about fun with you can it.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:59:01 am »
One second, lemme get out of the jizz pool.

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                           Somewhere, deep in the depths of the great molten salt lakes of Desire, dozens, I say dozens of white knights were bravely defending his or her honor, so balls deep were they in hermaphroditic boypussy that they could not see through the muff disguising their eyes from the squealing sandworm hidden beneath, deep were the heated grunts of such fedora clad hamgalaxies as they wankulated their angry, squealing DNA rifles onto their own chests with impunity.

       We began our foray into the forbidden sphincter, we could smell the salt in the air, and could feel the shit smearing onto our foreheads every time we forgot to duck, the men trembled with fright as we were beset upon by a full thousand enemas, who all wielded long, ten foot poles with which they vowed not to touch us. But touch us they did, prodding and poking, and the guys stabbing us in the chest with swords weren't helping either, the battle was hard fought, but we were outnumbered and our enemy was lodged high within the colon, no matter the fingers at our disposal, he would not be dislodged, at the end of this battle our men rode through the anal canals on donkey-lampreys, who wriggled most delightedly against my brutal cock-mace, none knew the horror which was about to befall us.

   Suddenly, in the midst of our speech, a word was uttered, a word of power it must have been, so strong was our enemies' cry of indignation. I was busy gnawing on a dying man's entrails at the time, but by the time I had noticed such uttering was going in place, almost half our number had been smitten, a great tide of shit annihilating each of them individually, dragging them deep into the prison, only known as the dreaded 'Safe-Zone.', I was one of the last to go, my shit imprisonment was to last 90 days, but I was let out earlier because the guards didn't want to watch me keep fucking the walls.

                                             Sincerely, and forevermore, My Dick.

Artyem does not condone my actions, and neither should anyone else.

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Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:54:06 am »
Man deltah you are desperate for attention that you need to keep starting a new thread and double posting about this old news then bump it.  We don't care, go off and leave already, attentionwhore!

You have already cried in 3 other threads for 11 pages because you had to sit in the corner for 2 days over racism, then you ragesquit, except you spend days more crying on the forums.  It has already been resolved with admins, everyone else has moved on, nobody cares that you quit.  Just leave.

'Twas the night before crimbus, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even Kesh's salt powered robot. Oh wait, there it goes. Sorry everyone, crimbus is cancelled, kesh ruined it for everyone, just like everything else.

Sail deep into my mind, crawl among my slimy ridges. Know, deep within yourself, that there is no escape from this hell, as tirade after tirade of phallic objects bombard you from all sides.

Kesh mistook the words of the ambiguously gay duo for true racism, and not lobbing words around for the hell of it. It was an awkward situation, one that could only be solved through tact, and blatant disregard of what had actually happened. Kesh succeeds his role for 'Saying someone did something they didn't do', but the enemy ripostes with "But that isn't what happened". Truly a master stroke, Perhaps Kesh's next attack on someone's non-problems will pan out more adequately, but for the time being, it would seem he's busy vigorously studying the inner dimensions of his colon.

stay away from my son's wife's cousin in law twice removed

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Game Admin Feedback / Re: [Global] Elderly Woman
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:51:49 am »
Can't you see these massive cocks are tearing us apart.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [Global] Elderly Woman
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:38:36 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

One second, lemme get out of the jizz pool and reply to your gifs.

   visitors can't see pics , please register or login

                           Somewhere, deep in the depths of the great molten salt lakes of Desire, dozens, I say dozens of white knights were bravely defending his or her honor, so balls deep were they in hermaphroditic boypussy that they could not see through the muff disguising their eyes from the squealing sandworm hidden beneath, deep were the heated grunts of such fedora clad hamgalaxies as they wankulated their angry, squealing DNA rifles onto their own chests with impunity.

       We began our foray into the forbidden sphincter, we could smell the salt in the air, and could feel the shit smearing onto our foreheads every time we forgot to duck, the men trembled with fright as we were beset upon by a full thousand enemas, who all wielded long, ten foot poles with which they vowed not to touch us. But touch us they did, prodding and poking, and the guys stabbing us in the chest with swords weren't helping either, the battle was hard fought, but we were outnumbered and our enemy was lodged high within the colon, no matter the fingers at our disposal, he would not be dislodged, at the end of this battle our men rode through the anal canals on donkey-lampreys, who wriggled most delightedly against my brutal cock-mace, none knew the horror which was about to befall us.

   Suddenly, in the midst of our speech, a word was uttered, a word of power it must have been, so strong was our enemies' cry of indignation. I was busy gnawing on a dying man's entrails at the time, but by the time I had noticed such uttering was going in place, almost half our number had been smitten, a great tide of shit annihilating each of them individually, dragging them deep into the prison, only known as the dreaded 'Safe-Zone.', I was one of the last to go, my shit imprisonment was to last 90 days, but I was let out earlier because the guards didn't want to watch me keep fucking the walls.

                                             Sincerely, and forevermore, My Dick.

Artyem does not condone my actions, and neither should anyone else.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [Global] Elderly Woman
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:16:05 am »
Strictly a time reference to put how unmanned the situation really was. Salty? No, sorry Arytem. That evil spirit has been exercised out of my virtual body. The boys over this 2 day ban though. You might want have a pep talk with them. Or send them my way. I'll give them an old man rant on how corrupt admins really are. Just buy me a beer. Admins cause 9/11, death of Santa and einstein.

Pure salt flows through your veins, that must hurt quite a lot. I think you're a pretty alright guy, abredolf lincler. You wanna ride the meat bicycle down to alabama? Alternately we can dutch rudder one another while wearing "thank god for mississippi" T-shirts. Bush was an inside job, einstein did 9/11, I snort powdered tiger dicks

the game

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:58:05 am »
Homophobia? Come on man! I love dicks!

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General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:31:10 am »
Lol your earlier response trying to attack my family is exactly the kind of person you and your clan represent with your racism and homophobia.  Did I devolve to atatck your family? no.  That is the toxic shit we are glad tos ee you leave.  And no, none of your responses really showed that you accepted any fault whatsoever, so are we just supposed to assume it?

How in the everloving fuck did I, the gay furry with a second life biker gang, get invited into this group of homophobic individuals. You try and attack their homophobia and I will fucking suck your dick bundle of sticks.

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:00:48 am »

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 16, 2016, 04:45:08 am »
If was the admin involved, I would warned them first, mute or kept kicking the players involved until they stopped and then ban them 2-3 hours if the players kept going.

You guys could of hit me up about the incident before going full retard, especially you artyem, you have me on steam. Desire actually did hit me up about the incident right after but i wasn't online.  You guys instead tried to deal with it in your own way lol which lead Desire doing massive bans.

The massive bans were 5 minutes after the incident started, I'm afraid.

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