Faction Halls / Re: |KUTT| Knights' Union of the Tundra Territories -- Recruiting NA [Adults Only]
« on: July 13, 2012, 03:41:01 am »
Also no anime shit or cutesy shit should probably be in the requirements, let's be real here.
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Then press 'm' and move on with playing the game. No harm was done, you looked afk, you were reported, you weren't, so nothing happens to you.
Half the people I accuse of leeching come back and bitch that they had to send a text or go take a dump. The other half are actually booted for leeching. It's right there in the rules of the server that you're leeching, and I am rightfully accusing you of such.
Blank 84 is very consistently killing the server at night now. It just went from 80 to 25 and it won't likely recover