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Messages - Philippe

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:19:37 pm »
It would like to know if there is something in the pipes for the French Greatsword.

I have been waiting for years to see a sword like this in the game, but I am very disappointed by the textures. The metal look plastic, and the black scabbard look very bland. We can see leather straps on it, but everything is black. The whole model would look so much better if it was textured like the swiss longsword is, with all black parts replaced by leather brown.

It looks like a hasty job done to fix the textures bug after the patch release, which is a shame because the model is great !

Since the scabbard bug has to be addressed, I was wondering if something could be done about the textures. It seems easy enough to do, I could even do it for you if you are interested  :) (PM me).

Anyway, thanks for the great work on other items :)

General Discussion / Re: Leaving C-RPG and Last present
« on: November 27, 2013, 03:05:39 am »
I ll take one ticket too sir !

Good luck with your post-cRPG life :-)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Great lances
« on: September 28, 2011, 07:38:30 pm »
I dont know what the Lance of compensation was exactly, but I was about to start a thread about couching and great lances.

The great lance is very weak, and couching is both really uneffective and impratical to use

Cons :
-very easy to dodge when aware of it, and dangerous to use in that situation
-you are helpless at close range
-cannot be used on foot
-takes 2 slots
-loses 100% of the time against heavy lance no matter what ! (biggest issue, its both unrealistic and making the item worthless)
-difficult to aim and dangerous to allies
-big cooldown
-needs speed, open map and flat ground
-slow animation
-only type of defense you can have is a shield, and it doesnt work when couching
-two slots
-no stab animation

Pros :

-doesnt need any wpf to be "effective"
-low cost
-cant be parried
-smash shields
-damage when it hits in the right conditions

Compared to heavy lance the only advantage is : 40 more couching lengh, and its only relevent against infantry

I m fine with almost all the cons, lots of them makes perfect sense and are needed for balance reasons. It should stay to difficult to use and situational. But right now the only reason to use a great lance is for roleplaying, it should at the very least offer one edge on a particular field. And adding a bit of trouble to polearm lancers would not hurt in my opinion, since they are king in almost all fields.

Suggestions :

-make the great lance or other added couching weapons long enough to put heavy lance and other polearm cavalry at risk, but short enough to be countered by timed pikes and long spear stabs

and/or :
-make the animation last as long as you stay fast enough to maintain it
-add various lances with various ranges (but still longer than the one offered at the moment) with different couching speed animation
-lower the couching cooldown
-raise the item prices (prevents every 1wpf user to use it all the time and makes wpf at least a bit relevent to the weapon usage)
-make them one slot, 2h cavalry will be able to use them with a shield if they can, and polearm cavalry who want to use them will be able to keep an infantry weapon (at the expense of the shield).
-make the shield raise work
-remove the couching option from other lances ?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Connection to Server Lost
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:47:35 pm »
It happened to me one minute ago on the Percores server

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Connection to Server Lost
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:15:59 pm »
I have the same exact issue, I cant even play anymore  :cry:

It just started today.

I face a similar dilemma, except I also I need to split my wpf points.

I d say go for the first one only if you use a high damage weapon and a heavy amor on foot. Having a lot of HP like your first option benefits more a heavy armored warrior in my opinion that a light armored one.

My preference goes to the second one. 4IF and 4riding are both good options. If you wanna ride all the time, IF is not needed that much anyway because of the damage bonus you receive with your speed. The choice only will depends on what use you want to make of that riding skill, if you just bring a mount  10% of the time, then it might be better to tak the IF option and stay on foot. Mounted or not, its the build I would choose.

The third one would be better for light armored agility character with mobility and high attack speed style character I guess. If you wanna ride, 3 in riding seems quite low to me, you wont be able to use the courser / destrier / arabian warhorse. They are the more commonly used horses, they are affordable and good all around mounts. Plus you wont be able to call for them  when their rider got killed. If you just want to bring a rouncey and kill a few people with it every once in a while for the fun of it and to add some diversity, I guess 3 riding could be enough. But if you want to play mounted more concistently I think having at least 4 is mandatory, if not 5.

Both three seems viable to me, it depends on what your playstyle is.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help me finalize my build
« on: July 31, 2011, 05:02:37 pm »
Thank you for sharing your opinion Christo.

Unfortunatly I cant specialize more than a 2h polearm hybrid if I want to use a horse. I cant bear the idea to drop the sword for a polearm or to drop the lance, i doesnt fit my idea of a knight. The most I can do is not putting any point in crossbow.

I m not a good player by any means, a lot of players could kill me with 10 levels less and a hand tied in the back and I have a lot of practise ahead of me before reaching a point where overspecializing could make any difference. I m ok with the idea to be a little bit less effective in a particular field to have more options, as long as I stay potent and not make the right build choices according to what I like to do. And that 18 or 21 agility is a tough one to make along with where to allocate those wpf points.

Problem is that the correct wpf/armor penalty is unknown, so we can't state how many points you'd have.

I tried a few days ago using "skip the fun" on another character to make a thrower with the exact same gear weight. With 4 points in PT I still had the the message with 102 wpf. I dont know how much more was needed, but that means the wpf penalty with that gear seems to be more than 45% if you compare it to the 56 points needed when wearing nothing. According to that going from 140 to 150 would only add 5 to 6 in the best case on my effective wpf. I dont how to relate that to the speed increase on a 94 speed weapon though.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Help me finalize my build
« on: July 31, 2011, 01:16:47 pm »
Its not for today, but I m already planning my definitive build in order to test and make a few adjustements in the next generations.

Considering that :
-I like to play as a late 14th century heavy knight with Sugarloaf, Transitionnal armor, Mittens and Schynbalds
-The weapon I use the most on foot is a Sword of war
-A knight is not a knight without his horse !
-It really bothers me because its the coolest weapon, but the great lance is really bad right now and sadly impractical to use, so I need some points in polearms to have a decent speed with a regular lance.
-I like to have the option to use a ranged weapon from times to times, I considered a few points in throwing just because I like the fun of it, but the amount of wpf to invest when you wear heavy armor is completly ridiculous and makes it impossible (beyond ~60 wpf for 2 little PT points with that gear, correct me if I am wrong). So crossbow it is, and I have to invest a few points just to avoid the money sink

That leaves me with a few options : push to 21 agility with 7 in weapon mastery or stay at 18 agility with 6 in weapon mastery and 1 more point in power strike. Anything below than 18 agility makes me a bit too too slow, and I need enough WM to add some diveristy to the build since I will be stuck with it forever.

For a level 33 build :
If i take the 18 agility path, as I see it for a level 33 build its either 140 2h and 80 pole wpf with around 60 crossbow, or 150 2h and 80 pole and i forget the crossbow.
If I take the 21 agility path, I have more options, 140 2h 100 pole and 60 crossbow, 150 2h 80 pole 60 crossbow, 140 2h 90 pole and 80 crossbow or even 140 2h 80 pole and 90 crossbow

In fact, going for 150 wpf shuts a lot of doors.

Is the difference between 140 wpf and 150 wpf worth it when wearing such heavy gear ? What about going below 140 2h wpf, like 130 ?

If you were using the very same equipment, what would you do ?

General Discussion / Re: some rough upkeep statistics
« on: July 21, 2011, 12:57:35 pm »
Also inspired by the lovely redhead and her tiny shield, here are my logs.

Interested to see if there was a difference, I played on battle.

Basic information

-100 rounds played 50% win 50% loss exactly
-All games were played on the same server, a small one with 40 to 60 players.
-I did not count the few chadz text appearances and the rounds with imbalance resulting in no multiplier. I counted them as if it was a regular win/loss.
-Being a humble player, I usually have a K/D ratio around 1, that should mean I dont impact too much myself on the statistics.
Number of ticks per round
-2 ticks : 4 rounds
-3 ticks : 41 rounds
-4 ticks : 39 rounds
-5 ticks : 11 rounds
-6 ticks : 4 rounds
-7 ticks : 1 rounds


x1 : 41 rounds
x2 : 23 rounds
x3 : 11 rounds
x4 : 6 rounds
x5 : 9 rounds


Theres an average of 3,73 ticks per round
The average multiplier is 1,99

Unfortunatly I couldnt watch my repairs, because I m leveling at the moment and constantly changing gear and WPF. I will do some more samples when I ll reach level 30 :)

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