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Messages - Starfucker

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Closed Requests / Re: Banned from siege?
« on: August 22, 2011, 05:15:57 pm »
I agree that common sense should be used when enforcing the rules. In this case, I don't appear to be in violation of any written rules. If you want to change policy, you have to at least tell people. I had no way of knowing that I was breaking policy until I was banned.

Banning swearing isn't common sense to me. People swear all the time in chat. If you're going to ban people for swearing in their name, why wouldn't you ban people for swearing in chat? Where is the line? It doesn't appear to be written down anywhere.

I'm not changing names. If this ban stands, I'm changing servers.

It was never my intention to be offensive or juvenile. I don't use the name to troll, I use it because I like it.

General Discussion / Re: Boycott the community servers.
« on: August 22, 2011, 03:54:22 pm »
+1 from me. I got banned for my name, which I've been using for months with no problems. There is nothing in the server rules against swearing, however I was banned without warning. I could give up and just change it, but I'm probably better off playing on the big boy servers from now on. So goodbye community servers. I'll see you when the old admins come back or the new ones get less ban happy.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from siege?
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:36:17 am »
So I was reading the forums and apparently you banned (or threatened to ban) someone named Star_Fker recently. I'm kinda curious about this. If this is true, then it could be that you confused me for him. I'm also curious if someone actually stole my name while I was gone.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from siege?
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:27:47 am »
I haven't been playing for the past three days until tonight. When did you ask me? I'm almost positive I was reading chat for the 5 minutes I was playing. Also, as I said before, I checked the server rules list and don't see any rules that my name is in violation of.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from siege?
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:03:45 am »
Okay, I thought so. A couple of questions.
1. Would I do it through the 1000g name change thing, or would I have to retire?
2. I would like for my name to at least be recognizable to people I've been playing with. I know you didn't ban me, but do you think STRFKR would be allowable?
3. Would you mind pointing me to the rule I'm in violation of? I'm not finding it written down anywhere.

Closed Requests / Banned from siege?
« on: August 22, 2011, 05:38:00 am »
Hi all. I was just banned from the community siege server. I was given no warning or reason for the ban. I wasn't doing anything trollish (not even an accidental team hit). I suspect it has to do with my name "Starfucker". I've been playing for 3 or 4 months pretty regularly with this character and am somewhat of a regular on the server. No one has commented (negatively) on the name until now. It doesn't appear to violate any of the server rules from what I've seen.

If that's not the reason, please give me one as well as the length of my ban. If it is the reason let me know and I'll work on a name change.

General Discussion / Re: Boycott the community servers.
« on: August 22, 2011, 04:29:54 am »

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Op Xbows!
« on: August 13, 2011, 09:45:12 pm »
This thread is full of fail and whiners.

Edit: To clarify:
1.  adding a higher strength requirement would destroy dedicated xbowmen, what does a sniper need with he-man strength?? 

 I think a lot of the whine comes from the fact that pretty much everyone can pick up a xbow to augment their kills. Its like throwing before their great nerf. A higher str requirement would have exactly  the wrong effect.

2.  Why do we need to get rid of running xbows? I get one hit by most melee weapons, hell yeah I'm gonna run. If you don't like it, pick another target.

The only problem I see with this is that xbows really can't hit and run like archers can. Running is a decent tactic for archers. Xbows typically mix in some melee skills in their build because there is no dedicated xbow skills and they can't hit and run. I really don't see how running is more than an annoyance.

3.  As has been said, xbows account for a very small % of all kills, why are we even having this discussion?

I have yet to see any source for this statistic. Apparently its old. It doesn't necessarily mean that xbow isn't OP, though. For one, ranged tends to have more effect on a battle than kills show. People are generally hit with ranged before they are hit with melee. This leads to a lot of damage with not a lot of kills to show. It would be a mistake to try to balance the number of kills with melee, who's job it is to finish off weakened and distracted opponent. I can say (with the high amount of certainty that comes from not having any hard statistics) that xbows account for the majority of my ranged deaths atm.

4. The over nerf of bows seems to be what started all this nerf arbalest crap.  Bows need to be buffed back.  Not all range be brought down to uselessness.
No comment

5.  If you really want to nerf Arbs, tweak wpf requirements, dedicated xbows don't need a nerf, there are not many of us as is.
What xbow really needs is its own skill. Something to reward dedicated xbows and diversify their builds more than "how many points should i put into melee".

6.  If these melee whiners get the arb nerfed, I think 2 handed weapons need to lose 30% speed and power when it rains also.  Lets see if THEY mind that.
It would be kind of funny if all weapons lost speed and power in the rain. As it is, the rain makes it hard to balance xbows, as they are OP or UP based on how the server is feeling at the moment. I guess that's what happens when you try to add sporadic bits of realism to the game.

All this being said, I don't think xbows are all that overpowered. Throwing is still a bit UP and it seems that ranged balance is favoring high damaged low firing speed weapons (of which the arablast is king). So buff throwing and low damage bows, lower arablast damage a bit in favor of a higher firing speed and reward dedicated xbows over melee hybrids and everything will be better in the ranged camp. (This will do nothing to stop whining, you can't stop that).

Miaodao seems pretty common too. Not sure if it counts though since it's almost as long as a claymore. So that leaves four swords which could certainly use a buff (katana, two handed sword, dadao and bastard sword).

NA player here. Just confirming that short 2h swords are common here. If you want better weapon variety, why don't you focus on the numerous 2h axes which are never seen on the battlefield.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Power Draw in cRPG
« on: August 07, 2011, 10:39:34 pm »
Power Draw should increases the accuracy, draw-speed and draw-time of all bows :!:

Yes, lets have one skill that improves every aspect of archery. No one should have to put any thought into their build. Why choose between damage and accuracy when you should have both?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long Maul & Great Maul
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:15:21 am »
yep, being longer the damage done from long maul should be higher.

I would make it 48b. I would up the weight to 8 while keeping the speed the same.

Since the slow speed it's a do or die weapon, if you fuck up you're dead. So at least when you hit it should hurt like hell.

On the realism side of things I agree with you somewhat. It may be slower and lighter weight, but its longer so it could definitely end up hitting harder. On the balance side of things, I couldn't disagree with you more. The difference between the great maul and the long maul is that the long maul can get the first hit in most of the time and the great maul can not (assuming ideal conditions for both you and your target). If that first long maul hit is an 8 weight  48b(!) motherfucker, it's going to destroy pretty much everyone without heavy armor, a heavy shield or a longer weapon.

The great maul is faster, but it's not going to win you any duels. The overhead is really slow. If you try it mid duel, you're going to be hit every time. You can win with sideswings and facehugging, but the swings are slow and predictable and you can be outspammed by many of the faster weapons. On the other hand, the long maul can't really get a swing in if the opponent puts on pressure. It does have range though, which means it doesn't have to facehug and can dance and backpedal to get a hit in. The polearm stab it has is useful for keeping distance and getting in a tricky hit.

Both have their strengths and weaknesses in group combat. The great maul's short length allows you to hit only whoever you aim at. This means less team hits and less side swings blocked by opponents at your side, making sideswings more useful in group combat. On the other hand you need to be close to hit people with it. This means you're more likely to be hit by both friends and enemies. The long maul can hit from farther back in the pack and overhead over friendly heads.

IMO they're roughly equal although very different beasts. If I had to choose, I'd say the long maul is the best maul in the game. Length is hugely important for getting that all important first swing, and you just can't ignore the difference.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long Maul & Great Maul
« on: August 03, 2011, 07:11:12 pm »
Long Maul is almost twice the length of the Great Maul. If you can't figure out why this is a huge advantage, you need to play with the mauls more.

Good call. They are top tier swords and should have stats to match. Here's my suggestions for new stats.

Side sword
weight 1.3
requirement 8 (-2)
spd rtng 101 (+1)
weapon length 95
swing damage 32 cut (+5)
thrust damage 26 pierce (-1)

Long Espada Eslavona
weight 1.25
requirement 10  (-2)
spd rtng 98 (-1)
weapon length 103
swing damage 29 cut (+1)
thrust damage 28 pierce (+1)

Devs should implement this and it would be good.

Suggestions Corner / Re: How abouuut.....?
« on: June 09, 2011, 06:05:29 pm »
Yes! I want big text to pop up and pat my back every time I so much as scratch my balls. Otherwise my kills are worthless.

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