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Messages - eommer

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Version 0.231
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:13:54 pm »
Increase the repair costs is stupid, even 5%.
Repair costs should be reduce not increase.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.230
« on: July 11, 2011, 06:23:00 pm »
I played for like 15 rounds and I got a repair every single one with at least 2 itens.

I already use cheap stuffs like Heraldic Mail with Surcoat, Mail Boots, Mail Coif and Italian Sword and I lost 11k in less then 1 hour playing.
544 for Italian Sword, ~550 for Heraldic Mail Surcoat. Every round is like 1k at least. Wandering how will be the repair price for a Heraldic Transitional Armour. :/

I think I miss understand, because the repair cost is higher but I still get repair at same rate...

I didnt like this patch at all. They should lower the repair not increase.

Suggestions Corner / New Game Type - More Kills
« on: May 23, 2011, 03:53:06 pm »
Prolly someone already suggest this but here we go again...

Its possible make new games types?

a) X minutes round, the faction with more kills at the end wins. 5 seconds to revive. Could use open and semi-open maps...

b) Sometime close to Age of Conan minigames. One team have to stole the enemy flag and bring back to base... 15-20 seconds to revive. If no one bring the flag, wins the faction with more kills. I think this one will be really good to encourage people play as a team, defend a "tank" e stuffs like that...

c) Capture strategic points, exactly like in Battlefield. Wins the team with more strategic points after few minutes.

Using three weapon skill hybrid is possible and it's great fun, however some players who put all their points into one weapon type will have a slight advantage. Here is the build I use and it works very well imo. It's what I'm using now and in fact it is my favorite character build so far: very very versatile.

Strength: 18
Agility: 18
Skills to attributes: 2
Power Strike: 6
Shield: 5
Athletics: 6
Riding: 6
Weapon Master: 6
One Handed: 110
Two Handed: 93
Polearm: 100

i just reset to try this out...
really ty so far

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: question about repair
« on: May 14, 2011, 10:39:34 pm »
ty for all the answers

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: question about repair
« on: May 14, 2011, 02:46:12 pm »
3. Not working for ya? Go back to Cod and battlefield

that was uncalled and rude man. First because the COd and battlefield use guns I came here because this game with swords and horses. I was just saying that maybe, just maybe, when you unlock (or buy) some weapon you should not worry too much about repairs. Off course could have someone, but Im just saying the price is very high.

I was wandering why I never saw someone using a armorer horse. I guess I know why now. So maybe you are right, I must ask myself if I wanna keep playing a game where is almost certainly that I will not use the gear that I wanna because I will not be able to pay the repairs.

So, I will not loose a Item for like "forever" if I dont repair right? I mean, soon I get the money I will be able to repair and equip again?

really ty for all the answers so far guys...

repair is KILLING me...serious

Beginner's Help and Guides / question about repair
« on: May 14, 2011, 07:15:57 am »
Hello everybody

After playing hours and hours naked I finally could put some gear but I still sux really bad and I cant efford all repairs...
Theres a chance to loose some item if I dont repair? Like a full destroy without chance to repair? Right now Im going back to naked again when I dont have money because I fear that I will loose some item.

so the question is: go back to naked until have the money or I can keep using the damage item without worries?

PS: Man even when my team wins I have to repair, piss me off this shit. I think should be like Battlefield and COD, no repair. :(

Hello everybody...

PS: sorry about my english

Anyway, I just started play this game 3 days ago and I would appreciate some help if you guys dont mind.

First, I would like to build a Knight close to that one from Native Warband that you can choose when you are playing Custom Battles. If Im not wrong, his name is Hedged.
Basically, he uses 1 lance, 1h sword, 2h sword, shield and a armorer horse.

So I have some really noob questions:

a) theres a lvl cap? Im worry about the math here, how many points I will left to spend, etc...

b) I saw some posts about people saying that trying to use points in more then 2 weapons types its not good. My main idea is to use 1h sword, lance and shield. But if possible, I would like to use sometimes, just for fun, a 2h sword you know?

What you guys think about that? and how many points is necessary in each one to be decent? I mean, Im looking for a "magic" number like: after spend 130 in 1h you can spend in something else. Or something like: you need at least 150 to be good...

c) I ask yesterday on game and people was not sure, but I see some people with 2h sword swinging really fast. So to swing my 1h sword more fast I should spend points on agi, weapon skill or what?

d) theres any good lance that I can be couchable and sheath?

really ty for any answer. serious. Im kind lost in few things...

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